Tell the Truth Now! Allen West: Obama is a Marxist

This is a critically important milestone, or it least it must be, for members of the United States Congress, in confessing what they know to the American public. You may recall Representatives Broun in November of 2008 and Bachmann in March of 2009, pronounced the words, "Marxist" and "Marxism," respectively, in describing Barack Obama and his ideology and objectives.  They were then compelled by someone(s),  … [Read more...]

The Obama Strut

"But in the end, no matter what Conservatives, the Tea Party and Americans want, Obama will have his way with us. Making Americans feel just like a girl for hire. He wants the system to fail...." -  G u l a g  -  B o u n d  - NoisyRoom Lights, cameras and a Marxist, political media whore is born. As the media fawns in the presence of the Obamessiah, we all watch in dread the Obama strut on the debt ceiling. … [Read more...]

Warren Buffett Eyes Archer Daniels Midland, Exelon, and More

always more, malignancy has to grow He is following in the path of J. P. Morgan, the Rockefellers, Maurice Strong, George Soros, etc., who have used Rothschild money in overwhelming sums to grow America's cancer of globalist banskster imperialism, with all its Marxofascist mutations and permutations.  Warren Buffett has gotten to be a classic example of tycoon tyranny in process. at … [Read more...]

Barone Shows Statist Cause of ‘Man-cession’ Joblessness

More dependent-think women have voted for the likes of Bill Clinton, Al Gore, John Kerry, and Barack Obama.  More self-reliant men lost their jobs, as government has sapped the economy -- and has employed more women. From Michael Barone in Human Events, "'Man-cession' Ends as Males Learn New Job Skills," 7/11/2011: Some of us called it the man-cession. In the deep recession that lasted from December 2007 to June … [Read more...]

‘Barack Obama 2012: The Hot Air Alternative Energy Solution’ Exposed!

The National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) delivers a big ol' plate of Alinsky #5 to the President and the DCCC with this brilliant one-minute zinger, posted yesterday on YouTube: "Barack Obama 2012. The Hot Air Alternative Energy Plan. It's revolutionary. The culmination of trillions of dollars and a half decade of government research… Introducing HOT AIR. By combining hydrochloro-bullhockey with … [Read more...]

Gas Roots Activism – the Tea Party Strikes Again

DC Independent Examiner The Left has stealthily worked for decades to destroy this country, and now we have the Agitator-in-Chief working feverishly to push us all off the cliff before 2012. Yet the Left has an almost hysterical fear of the Tea Party, because the Tea Party represents one great unknown that the best laid plans of Leftist rodents and cowards – even with billions of ill-gotten Soros money – cannot … [Read more...]

Debauching Our Currency and ‘The Moral Issues of Money’

"This is not a fairytale. This is not a conspiracy theory. This is real life." The following article, published at Ludwig von Mises Institute on Good Friday, April 22, presents one of the truly rapacious sins which rests upon heads of the People of America and the world, the debasement of the "trust" that is our very currency.   Our fiat currency system, run by a criminal network of super-wealthy central banksters … [Read more...]

IMF Bank Lords & George Soros’ INET at Bretton Woods, What’s the Diff?

The INET Bretton Woods summit, summoned by George Soros and those who alternatively hide behind, or gather around him, has now happened. But before trying to analyze whatever we may discover of what occurred there, it is critical to discern how it fits an overall picture. For context, one must also see what the IMF and World Bank "communitarian" elitists are up to. We find that before the Bretton Woods affair, … [Read more...]

Media Embrace Economic Hypocrisy During Lame Duck Congress

As the debate over taxes has heated up during the lame duck session of Congress, the media invariably have failed to ask the tough questions of the Democrats, and are regularly mischaracterizing the positions of the Republicans and trying to keep them on the defensive. The debate goes something like this: How can the Republicans demand that extending unemployment benefits be paid for, while they don’t demand that … [Read more...]

The Madness: U.S. Bails out E.U. After E.U. Funds Bad Mortgage Derivatives

Below, you will find the links from the Drudge Report. The pieces are being put together and interpreted that  the "$550 Billion run on the banks" cited by the now defrocked U.S. Representative Paul Kanjorski (PA-D) which, through Hank Paulson, caused the Congressional Panic of September 2008, was generated by European investors calling their markers for their investment in the Unites States' bad mortgage … [Read more...]

How Blatantly Our Government Misled Us with the October Jobs Numbers!

Reported in the Business Insider: Remember last Friday's payrolls numbers--the ones that blew away expectations about the number of jobs created and got everyone talking about recovery again?Well, even at the time those payroll numbers were confusing, because the other part of the jobs report--the "household survey"--showed yet another crappy number. But by pointing to the crappy household number … [Read more...]

The Bank Crisis for Dummies (you didn’t think the course was corrected, did you?)

What the below-linked article by Steph Jasky boils down to is that the government is lying to us (some think Bush and Obama both lied – well, maybe they were just naive) about the magnitude of the bank crisis. They also neglected to tell us (because they believed their lying advisors — who were not naive) that the banks needed restructuring if we are to ever emerge from this crisis. The banks don’t have the assets to … [Read more...]

Obama – More Debt in First 19 Mos. than Washington to Reagan – Combined

Wow, Barack! You sure can spend, spend, spend (other people's money), while at the same time, calling for fiscal responsibility. Reported yesterday in CNSNews, the federal debt under the Obama Administration, increased by a whopping $2.5260 trillion. That's more than the cumulative debt amassed between presidents George Washington and Ronald Reagan—combined. “CBO currently estimates that the deficit for 2010 will be … [Read more...]

Financial Expert Warns of Economic Collapse

In shocking news, the New York Times cites figures that investors withdrew $33.12 billion from domestic stock market mutual funds in the first seven months of this year when billions of dollars should have been expected to be flowing in. The New York Times blames this unusual development on “economic uncertainty.” One explanation is that the financial reform bill pushed by President Obama and passed by … [Read more...]

Will Obama ‘Persuade’ Americans their Slavery is Inevitable?

For months, virtually each and every day Usurper-and-Dictator-in-Chief Barack Hussein Obama has been removing one or more of We-the-People’s liberties. Whether one wishes to ignore it or not, Obama is now in an all-out war against the American people and their soon-to-be former way of life. And he has no intention of stopping until American citizens are slaves to The Obama and illegal immigrants (aka “Obama … [Read more...]