Founders Code Fascinating that there is always more to the story. Remember, this was/is confidential and personal data. Further, Alibaba is a Chinese international holding company that is a counterpart to Amazon and specializes in artificial intelligence based in Hangzhou, China. The General Accounting Office issued a report on Equifax. The GAO analysis detailed the steps Atlanta-based Equifax has taken … [Read more...]
Equifax Had Evidence Of Chinese Espionage Before The Hack
Washington: the Seat of the Caliphate
ISIS is now fighting fiercely in Iraq to establish a world Caliphate and it is killing everyone in its path without mercy. So where does that brutal Caliphate have its seat? Washington, DC. Washington is the face of the Caliphate. The GOP and the Dems are working together to overthrow Assad, even though the latter is the last ruler in the Middle East who has protected Christians. However, to put … [Read more...]
George Soros Laments EU’s Demise, Projects his Fascism onto Sovereigntists
A few weeks ago, a geopolitical tectonic shift was announced in an interview between George Soros and Fareed Zakaria on CNN, and since I suspected that the vast majority of the audience had missed its import, I decided to alert my readers. George Soros, a geopolitical analyst whose opinion is respected on the Left, all but admitted outright that the European Union (EU) was finished. If you missed Part I of my … [Read more...]
Government Kidnapping of Swedish Home-Schooled Boy: Prayers & Letters Urgently Needed reported back in September of 2009 that a home-schooled Swedish boy Domenic Johansson was snatched by police in a gestapo-like commando assault on an airliner they had boarded to travel to India, where the Johansson couple had decided to live: Home schooled boy grabbed by police on plane in Sweden [revised version] Help reunite this persecuted family! By Don Hank Christer and Annie … [Read more...]
EU Failing on All Fronts
If the latest report by Debkafile is true, then the Libyan war is unofficially over, Obama has made Russia the peacemaker, and NATO has ended its air strikes. A reasonable layperson’s analysis of this report might be this: The EU has overextended itself politically, economically and militarily. 1–Politically: It has always been a de facto dictatorship. It was originally touted as a strictly economic scheme and … [Read more...]
Ideology Bound Libertarians Look a Lot Like Leftists
Libertarians on Drugs #2 Mark Thornton, writing for the libertarian Mises Daily, points out that “drug reform” is a hot issue. By drug reform, he means decriminalization or legalization of drug use. He writes: Political candidates, politicians, former presidents, interest groups, and even the Global Commission on Drug Policy are all calling for drug-policy reform He rhetorically asks “why the interest in this … [Read more...]
Cato Institute’s Portugal Drug Study Based on False/Distorted Government Data?
Libertarians on Drugs, first in a series The libertarian Cato Institute recently ran a study of the drug situation in Portugal, which legalized drugs de facto in 2001. It published some figures showing how deaths among drug users and some other parameters went down, apparently signaling positive results for the legalization experiment. Scientific American published details on this study and now it is being quoted … [Read more...]
Texas Police Officer Sacrificed on the Altar of Transnational ‘Integration’
Nothing new here. Just another good American life thrown away to bolster world government. [ed., Janet Smiles] Kevin Will, a Houston area traffic cop, was run down and killed yesterday in the Houston area for the sake of the North American Union. That’s right. In plain words, his life was sacrificed so that the US, Mexico and Canada can all be integrated into a single nation for the purposes of “security” … [Read more...]
Regulation vs. Taxpayer Subsidies; Lessons of the Mortgage Meltdown
or, alternative title from the Gulag... Plenty of Harm, How 'bout a Foul? In a recent video featuring former finance regulator Bill Black exposing fraud and corruption in major financial institutions, the GOP is seen as sticking to a highly questionable philosophy of non-regulation of finance even in situations where non-regulation leads, directly or indirectly, to implementation of taxpayer-paid bailouts and … [Read more...]
Fascist ‘Mark to Market’ Valuation is Real Culprit in Financial Market Crash
In one of my communications, I mentioned that free market capitalism was dead. What I meant was that it is in suspension, having been replaced by crony capitalism (also called corporatism or fascism), which is generally an unsavory public private partnership with government which can as such be manipulate at will by politicians. We can revive the free market if we have the will and understanding, but … [Read more...]
The Bank Crisis for Dummies (you didn’t think the course was corrected, did you?)
What the below-linked article by Steph Jasky boils down to is that the government is lying to us (some think Bush and Obama both lied – well, maybe they were just naive) about the magnitude of the bank crisis. They also neglected to tell us (because they believed their lying advisors — who were not naive) that the banks needed restructuring if we are to ever emerge from this crisis. The banks don’t have the assets to … [Read more...]
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