From NewsMax: On Wednesday, Boehner, during a chat with Stanford University, blasted Cruz as a "miserable son of a b****" and called him "Lucifer in the flesh." "I have Democrat friends and Republican friends. I get along with almost everyone, but I have never worked with a more miserable son of a b--- in my life," Boehner commented. He further said that he and front-runner … [Read more...]
Ted Cruz Responds to John Boehner w/ Carly Fiorina, Fort Wayne + Sen. Mike Lee’s Reply
John Boehner: What Changed Him?
Cross-posted at Stand for the Truth Who is John Boehner and was there an event or series of events that changed him? We know some things about his political career and decisions he has made, but in order to really know someone, it helps to start from the beginning and look at his life before and after a “rise to power”. In John Boehner’s case, his power is that of being the 61st and current Speaker of the … [Read more...]
Republican Leaders Approve America as a One-Party State
Lawrence Sellin, Ph.D. Freedom Outpost At a June 25, 2013 White House meeting, originally announced as a foreign policy discussion, House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) promised President Barack Obama that Republicans would offer only token resistance to all future legislation proposed by the Democrats. In return, Obama would permit the Republicans to remain a minority party in Congress, run candidates in … [Read more...]
VIDEO SHOWS: ‘The Ayes Have it’ on Teleprompter & Witnesses Tesitify – #RNCPowerGrab #GOP2012
Update Via contributor @OhSuzyQz, the testimony of April from Wyoming, yesterday (8/29) I was there. From where I was sitting the nays and yeses sounded fairly equal but others told me that they thought the nays sounded louder. Either way, there should have been an official count. No surprise that there wasn't though since every single detail was scripted on teleprompters, including who would make the motions, … [Read more...]
John McCain is a Threat to National Security
NoisyRoom Reuters: Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin, left, Representative Michele Bachmann, centre, and Senator John McCain, right. When did we start using Senator John McCain’s “friend” list instead of FBI background investigations to determine whether an individual should receive access to sensitive and classified government information? John McCain (R-AZ), Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and John Boehner … [Read more...]
Tancredo: House Speaker Needs a Backbone Transplant
Rumors abound this week of secret negotiations, backdoor meetings and veiled threats aimed at halting Rep. Issa’s investigation of the Fast and Furious scandal. Regretfully, such rumors are all too credible given Speaker Boehner’s history of always seeking a compromise even when victory is in sight. This is what passes for pragmatism in Republican leadership circles: They settle for crumbs from the table instead … [Read more...]
Boehner Should be a Goner
NoisyRoom By: Kevin Jackson The Black Sphere Boehner and McCain vied for “Pansy of the Week,” and Boehner won. Despite the polls that revealed overwhelmingly that America wanted no increase in the debt ceiling, Boehner caved like a Hollywood stage chair. As the saying goes, “His ass is grass.” America deserves a budget that is tighter than a camel’s butt in a sandstorm; however Boehner’s bill essentially … [Read more...]
Bill O’Reilly: Controversy Over Boehner Speaking at Catholic University
NoisyRoom Hat Tip: Nancy Jacques Watch the latest video at Speaker Boehner is set to give the commencement address at Catholic University in Washington, D.C., this Saturday. But 79 college professors around the country have signed a letter opining that Mr. Boehner is not upholding Catholic moral teachings. The professors say that because the speaker supports budget cuts that might impact poor … [Read more...]
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