Hat Tip: BB ------- ‘We LOSE when we nominate RINOS’ – Freedom Summit’s standing ovation to thinly veiled anti-Romney speech 'Repeal every word': Potential GOP 2016 rivals hammer ObamaCare, IRS at Iowa summit … [Read more...]
The Iowa Freedom Summit
Big Bird is a Democrat Dupe

Accuracy in Media The George Soros-funded Free Press Action Fund describes itself as “a nonpartisan organization” which “does not support or oppose any candidate for public office.” But last week it announced that the “attack on Big Bird and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting” at the presidential debate had “sparked intense reactions from public media fans.” It said, “The nation is standing with Big Bird. … [Read more...]
The Obama Strut

"But in the end, no matter what Conservatives, the Tea Party and Americans want, Obama will have his way with us. Making Americans feel just like a girl for hire. He wants the system to fail...." - G u l a g - B o u n d - NoisyRoom Lights, cameras and a Marxist, political media whore is born. As the media fawns in the presence of the Obamessiah, we all watch in dread the Obama strut on the debt ceiling. … [Read more...]
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