Seton Motley PJ Tatler, PJ Media Remember “Cap and Trade?” The anti-market allegedly “market-based” “solution” to man-faked global warming climate change? A central authority (usually a governmental body) sets a limit or cap on the amount of a pollutant that may be emitted. The limit or cap is allocated and/or sold by the central authority to firms in the form of emissions permits which represent the … [Read more...]
Environmental Justice: HHS and EPA’s Catchall for Societal Transformation and Redistribution Hat Tip: Bob Sowdon Several days ago, I wrote an article entitled: The Office Of Refugee Resettlement – Facilitators For A ‘Manufactured Human Crisis.’ ORR is directly connected to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). HHS has become the ultimate transformational entity for the US in the Obama Administration. They are doing this under the guise of Environmental … [Read more...]
Trans-Pacific Partnership, Agenda 21 & Redistribution of Wealth via EO & Cap & Trade
Yet another grand decision by this administration, in which the United States Congress has had no say, is the Trans-Pacific Partnership. The treaty is known as “the Trans-Pacific Partnership”, and the nations that are reported to be involved in the development of this treaty include the United States, Canada, Japan, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, Chile, Peru, Brunei, Singapore, Vietnam and Malaysia. Opponents … [Read more...]
Human Experiment with Diesel Gasses, Our EPA Shows its Eco-Fascism
Believe it or not, but the EPA is currently being sued right now for treating more than 40 human beings like guinea pigs. The experiment itself was even more shocking. They piped in diesel fumes mixed with some air directly into the lungs of people from a running truck into a gas chamber. From where does EPA get such authority to conduct such fascist experiments? October 6, 2012 An Eco-Fascist Gassing Experiment … [Read more...]
National Security Expert: Law of the Sea Treaty a ‘Question of Sovereignty’
Gulag Bulletin – See: America’s Most Critical Political Issue: Sovereignty ------------- NoisyRoom Hat Tip: BB The Daily Caller … [Read more...]
Deepwater Horizon Destruction Persists in Gulf Ecosystem
I do not eat seafood from the Gulf of Mexico! (Caveat: the video included is from Al Jazeera.) In Washington's Blog: 2 Years After the BP Oil Spill, Is the Gulf Ecosystem Collapsing? Posted on April 18, 2012 by WashingtonsBlog The Gulf Ecosystem Is Being Decimated The BP oil spill started on April 20, 2010. We’ve previously warned that the BP oil spill could severely damage the Gulf ecosystem. Since … [Read more...]
Wicked Writ of the Midwest; an Assault on Minnesota Homeowners
NoisyRoom Wicked indeed... It would seem the elitists in Houston County, Minnesota want to implement Agenda 21 and take away citizen's property rights. Disparaging the Constitution and treating the local populace as if they were nothing more than serfs. The very arrogant face of Progressivism and evil without a doubt. One of the strongest American freedoms we have is the right to own property. It is what … [Read more...]
TRAIN Bill, H.R. 2401, Big EPA & Agenda-21 Vote in U.S. House Today
Frankly, this is something to which we few and not necessarily proud of the Bound should have been paying much more attention. One may find out about it at and in the video below, "July 8, 2011 - Energy and Power Subcommittee Markup on H.R. 2401 (TRAIN Act)." That is what it is called to this date. And one may still have time to contact one's U.S. Representative. The bill seeks to generate … [Read more...]
Radical Muslims, Environmentalists, and the Green Jihad
Gulag Note: Mark Musser is tentatively our guest for the second time on Monday, May 2nd's Gulag Night, to discuss this subject and the development of the green movement in America. In our first interview, broadcast April 4th, Mark presented the roots of that movement in German post-enlightenment philosophy and ensuing NAZI culture. See his recent article in Gulag Bound: "NAZI Political Biology: The Hotwiring of … [Read more...]
Video: EPA Chief Jackson Lectured about America by House Energy Committee
Barack Obama's administrator of the EPA, comrade Lisa Jackson, got faced up with some honest Americanism today, by the kindness of John Shimkus (IL-R) a man who does seem to be an actually reputable politician from (downstate) Illinois. The setting was the House Energy and Commerce Committee. Many GOP Representatives and some Democrats are expected to support the proposed Energy Tax Prevention Act of 2011, which … [Read more...]
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