By: Cliff Kincaid What I find interesting about the spurt of Jeffrey Epstein shows and programs over the last few weeks is the failure to expose his high-level connections in really high society. We learn some old news, such as that Bill Clinton and Donald J. Trump were once considered his friends. But holding Clinton responsible for his associations with Epstein may not be possible anymore, with Epstein six … [Read more...]
Jeffrey Epstein and the Deep Dark Secrets of the Rich, Famous, and Powerful
Remember John P. O’Neill on 9-11, ‘The Man Who Knew’
What was going on in the halls of power that apparently brought the Clinton/Reno "Department of Justice" to apply subterfuge to set-up and fire their own, contrastingly effective, FBI agent assigned to al Qaeda and Bin Laden? Set up for his all to ironic death at the WTC on 9-11-2001. For being too effective? For knowing too much? This video and associated reporting is must see information for perusal and … [Read more...]
Wildlands Project, Agenda 21, and its Future Enforcers (hardly just the #BundyRanch)
In order to understand the rational behind what has taken place at the Bundy Ranch in Clark County, Nevada, it is vital to understand some of the mindset behind it. The United Nations now has a great deal of control over what happens in United States' land, largely but not only federal ownership and/or control. What we are seeing is an international body now governing over many parts of the U.S. It … [Read more...]
Mitt Romney & the Clinton Global Initiative; Why is He Trying to Lose?
Billionaire hedge fund operator George Soros said that, if Mitt Romney wins the presidency, there will be “little difference” between him and Barack Obama in the White House. As if to prove the point, Romney on Tuesday will speak to the Clinton Global Initiative sponsored by the disgraced and impeached former president. You may recall that Clinton is married to Obama’s Secretary of State and that he nominated … [Read more...]
Clinton: Nobody’s seen a Communist in years
NoisyRoom Hat Tip: BB Read more at The Politico... Let's overlook the fact that Clinton looks horrific in this video. No Communists in ten years? We are freaking lousy with them. Maybe he can't recognize a Marxist/Communist because he's married to one. Has this guy been checked for syphilis? Because with statements like that, I strongly suspect his brain is Swiss cheese. One word for Clinton: KeyWiki. … [Read more...]
It’s Democrats who ‘Created this Mess’
Democrats like to say: “The worst thing we could do is to go back to the very same policies that created this mess in the first place.” They are absolutely correct; we do not ever want to see again the policies that created the current economic mess. But we will, if Obama is re-elected. Democrats want their audiences to believe that “the very same policies” are those practiced by the Bush administration. Their … [Read more...]
Who Dropped the Ball on 9-11?
In a well-produced audio documentary released on September 20, independent producers John Duffy and Ray Nowosielski attempt to trace the 9-11 intelligence failure to its source. Titled “Who is Rich Blee,” the production is a model of fairness that the producers’ pampered peers in the major media would do well to emulate. It deserves more attention than it has gotten. That much said, if “Rich Blee” has one … [Read more...]
The ‘Senator from Sandy Berger’ Who Ain’t
Of all the sweet spots on Tuesday’s electoral map none was sweeter than Pennsylvania. There, Republican Pat Toomey held off hard-charging Democrat Joe Sestak to win the Senate seat previously held by the politically transgendered Arlen Spector. Had Sestak been elected he would have been as indebted to former National Security Adviser Sandy Berger as Harry Truman had been to his patron, Kansas City’s “Boss” Tom … [Read more...]
Mystery of TWA Flight 800 Lives On
The last active lawsuit seeking to get to the truth of what happened back on July 17, 1996, when TWA 800 blew up off the coast of Long Island, has basically reached the end of the line. For the 14th anniversary of the tragic event, which killed 230 people, I interviewed Ray Lahr and his attorney John Clarke on AIM’s weekly BlogTalkRadio show, Take AIM. Lahr is a former Navy pilot, engineer and crash investigator, … [Read more...]
The Last Great Cover-up
TWA Flight 800 and Its Consequences in on July 8, 2010 If TWA Flight 800 had exploded off the coast of Long Island in July 2001 as visibly as it had in July 1996, the world would have been told a different story, even if there had been a Democrat in the White House. On the night of July 17, 1996, and into the early morning hours of the 18th, Bill and Hillary Clinton and Deputy National Security … [Read more...]
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