NoisyRoom By: AJ Long Island City Housing Projects The picture above represents the kind of structure we’ll soon be herded into – you, me, our families – everyone in America. Well… everyone except the powerful politicians and elites who are working to corral us into these government housing tenements. The streets will be replaced with trains and the cars will be gone. Unbelievable you say? You … [Read more...]
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Agenda 21 – Ending Liberty in America
Filed Under: *Articles of the Bound*, *Solutions*, A War - Win It, Anti-America, Barack Obama, Central Banking Planning Manipulation & Control, Creating Class & Conflict, Cultural Marxism, Destroy or Control the "Middle Class", Dumbed Down Citizens & Slave-State Dependence, Failed State Strategy: America, Fighting Dirty, Financiers Generous with Our Property, George Soros, How We Got Here, Institutional Theft & Communitarianism, Investigations, Marxist Crisis Strategy, Marxist Spotting, Marxofascist Green, Marxofascist Strategy, Nationalization within a Globalist Marxofascist Model, Neo-Marxism as Fascism, Overwhelming Regulatory Encumbrance, Plan and Execute the Plan, Population Control or Reduction, Richard Trumka, AFL-CIO, State Control of Resources Production Distribution, The Marxofascist Fix, Transnationalism & Globalism Tagged With: Agenda 21, Al Gore, Al Sharpton, Andy Stern, Apollo Alliance, Barack Hussein Obama II, Bill Clinton, cities, Democrat, economics, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), environmentalism, Executive Order 13575, Foreign Trade Zones, George Soros, global citizen, Global Warming, government, Green For All, Hillary Clinton, ICLEI, Maurice Strong, Obamacare health control, population control, Republican, Richard Trumka, Right of Private Property, Smart Growth, Social Justice, sustainable development, the progressive plantation, Tides Foundation, U.S. Constitution, United Nations (UN), Van Jones, youth & education
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