NoisyRoom By: AJ Long Island City Housing Projects The picture above represents the kind of structure we’ll soon be herded into – you, me, our families – everyone in America. Well… everyone except the powerful politicians and elites who are working to corral us into these government housing tenements. The streets will be replaced with trains and the cars will be gone. Unbelievable you say? You … [Read more...]
Richard Trumka: Fight, Mobilize, Educate Workers
NoisyRoom Hat Tip: Brian B. - From: GRITtv More GRITtv Spoken like a true Communist. The union members are being used horribly by the union leadership for political and monetary gain. … [Read more...]
Video: Big Labor’s Richard Trumka & the Murder of Eddie York
Relayed from Trevor Loudon: One may be assured, there will be more to report about Richard Trumka -- chosen by Marxofascist bosses of the preponderance of American unions, to be the face of their end of the prog movement, worldwide. Be sure to get your No Union Pork T-shirts: … [Read more...]
Update: The No Union Pork T-Shirt, gone Che Pig
G u l a g B o u n d 3/3/2011 ...from CJ and Tallulah CJ says it's time to call "SEIUUUUUEEEEEEEEE" to all the AFL-SOWs! It's feedin' time at the trough! No pig in a poke, this is a real offer. They are what the foppish Gulag Bound resistor is wearing, this Spring. Purchase them in oneseys and twoseys , or in bulk, for Tea Party fund raising -- even with the name of your group … [Read more...]
Communist Party USA Boasts Working Relationship with AFL-CIO’s Richard Trumka in their Elections Analysis
CPUSA Labor Commission Chairman, Scott Marshall emphasized their working relationship with the AFL-CIO president Richard Trumka, in what he calls their continuing efforts of "independent" union organizations operating in, or for political campaigns. This occurs beginning at the 12:05 mark of the 11/8/2010 video, “CPUSA analysis of the Mid Term Elections," presented below. Marshall's words: "Not only did the … [Read more...]
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