New Zeal The pro-Iran/Cuba/North Korea/China/Venezuela Workers World Party, through its fronts, the International Action Center and United National Anti-war Coalition, is planning anti-War rallies across America in October. From Workers World: The United National Anti-war Coalition has called for protest actions across the country on the anniversary of the imperialist U.S. invasion of Afghanistan. At the … [Read more...]
Riots in Spain
New Zeal Kremlin propaganda channel Russia Today covers riots in Spain. At least 76 people have been injured in Madrid as clashes flared up between protesters and police, the latter using rubber bullets. Thousands of Spanish anarchists, communists and labor unionists turned out against new austerity measures introduced by the Socialist government. … [Read more...]
Something to think about from ThirdWaveDave
NoisyRoom By: Andrea Shea-King The Radio Patriot I’ve gotten word that our friend and my show producer Dave “ThirdWaveDave” Logan is having a pretty rough go of it. He’s been in the hospital for the past couple of weeks, dealing with serious complications from the bone marrow transplant he underwent on May 10th to eradicate the leukemia he’s battled for the past five years. I’m not certain if his body … [Read more...]
Surprise, Surprise – Russia Moves on Egypt
New Zeal While the US Government insanely supports the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Russia is poised to increase its influence within the most strategically located country in the Middle East. From the Moscow Times: The election of Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi, who campaigned largely on the Muslim Brotherhood's platform, plays an important role in the formation of the new Middle East. In part this … [Read more...]
The Communists Killed Kennedy
Accuracy in Media Former CIA officer Brian Latell’s new book, Castro’s Secrets, includes the revelation that Fidel Castro knew Lee Harvey Oswald was going to kill President Kennedy. The book deserves far more attention that it has received and adds to an existing body of evidence that Castro not only had foreknowledge of the plot to kill JFK but was actually behind it, most likely with Soviet … [Read more...]
Communist Belorussia Wants Bases in Venezuela
New Zeal The encirclement of the US continues as neo-communist Belorussia cozies up the Cuba and Venezuela. From Cuba's Granma: PRESIDENT Alexander Lukashenko of Belarus stated at the end of an official visit to Cuba that his stay had been a highly positive one, while emphasizing his government’s major prospects in terms of relations with ALBA and other Latin American countries. Lukashenko, who was … [Read more...]
Communists in Congress? (1) Hansen Clarke (D) Michigan
New Zeal Recently, Florida Rep. Allen West received considerable flak after claiming that there were up to eighty "communists" in the US Congress. Rep. West was certainly correct in spirit. There are dozens of members of the US Congress who have strong ties to one or more of America's several influential Marxist organizations. This is the first of a series of profiles of Congress members with documentable … [Read more...]
Communist Agitators at Work
New Zeal Communist agitators stir up racial and class hatred on the streets of New York. Virtually everyone interviewed in this video is a member of the pro-Cuba/North Korea Workers World Party. … [Read more...]
Wolf Blitzer Should Apologize to Allen West
Accuracy in Media CNN’s Wolf Blitzer played the role of wise guy during a segment last Thursday on Rep. Allen West and communism. West “sounds like McCarthy,” Blitzer said, referring to his allegations of communists in Congress. The comment was designed to ridicule West, a combat veteran of the Iraq War and a man considered by many Republicans to be vice-presidential material. Blitzer urged West to issue a … [Read more...]
Allen West: Half the Democrats in Congress Are Communists
NoisyRoom Breitbart: Rep. Allen West said he's heard that almost half of all the Democrats in Congress are secretly part of the Communist Party. West told almost 100 Floridians in Palm City on Tuesday that "he's heard" as many as 80 Democrats in Congress are members of the Communist Party. Gulag Note: See "Updated: American Socialist Voter’s 2009 List of Marxists in Congress," aptly dated October 31, 2010 for … [Read more...]
‘Occupy’ Surges Back with ‘99% Spring’
New Zeal Occupy Wall Street is coming back, with a "99% Spring." Thousands of activists are being trained, all over the US to create mayhem come the spring and summer, on streets, campuses, public buildings, businesses, ports and transport hubs, all over the United States. From Democratic Socialists of America's Talking Union Blog: This is the 99% Spring and you can join with more than 100,000 … [Read more...]
Al Jazeera Glorifies Occupy Wall Street
New Zeal Unbelievable glorification of the communist led Occupy Wall Street movement, from the Al Jazeera propaganda brigade... … [Read more...]
American Bolsheviks – The Second Act
NoisyRoom Hat Tip: Nancy Jacques Well, look who's sprouting out of the radical ground! It reads like a who's who of Communists... From 99% Spring Action Training We're at a crossroads as a country. In recent years, millions have lost their jobs, homes have been foreclosed, and an unconscionable number of children live in poverty. We have to stand up to the people who caused of all this and … [Read more...]
US Communist Leader: “The Occupy Wall Street Movement Should Serve as a Wake Up Call to All Who Remain Committed to a Revolutionary Marxist-Leninist Direction”
New Zeal You may think the Occupy Wall Street movement is fading away. You may think that colder weather and tougher local authorities will see "Occupy" crumble into nothingness. You may think it was all much ado about nothing. Well you may possibly be right, but the communist forces who have increasingly infiltrated the movement have a very different view. To them "Occupy" signifies the beginning of the end … [Read more...]
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