Nostalgia at the New York Times: NY Times: When communism inspired Americans #g8m — NoisyRoom (@terresamonroe) May 1, 2017 Marxist (and occult) violence around the world on May 1... projectiles, fire, maybe whatever shooting, stabbing, beating, on and on -- what else is new? That is what Communism is. It is violence, on all levels. Oh, pardon me, the more popular terms are … [Read more...]
Occupy DC’s Muddled May Day Rally
Hat Tip: Logan Churchwell Accuracy in Media: Accuracy in Media's Brigette Namata covered the May Day march, protest and all around party in Washington, D.C. AIM found that the local Occupy group has yet to decide upon demands, goals or a general purpose. … [Read more...]
Leftist Los Angeles School Teachers Lead Students at May March – 5/1/2011
NoisyRoom By: ringospictures Leftist L.A. school teachers from United Teachers of Los Angeles lead students in a chant at the May Day Demonstration on 1/5/2011 - Downtown L.A. Read more at The United States Patriot Union... … [Read more...]
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