By: Kenneth R. Timmerman Accuracy in Media Exclusive to Accuracy in Media Until Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) revealed last week that his Benghazi Select Committee was investigating Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server for her official State Department communications, no one had a good explanation for why none of the Congressional committees that had previously investigated Benghazi had ever cited a … [Read more...]
Adm. James Lyons Explains Obama, Muslim Brotherhood & ISIS Almost to the Depths

This morning, Andrea Shea King conducted a brief (half-hour) and for the only major media -informed, very revelatory interview with retired Admiral James A. Lyons. It concerned the realities of Barack Hussein Obama, Muslim Brotherhood's Obama-accelerated but longstanding infiltration of American halls of power, the use of the U.S. Department of State, and just a smidge about "our" corrupt (anti-)American exploits in … [Read more...]
‘Defeat Jihad Summit’ – Diana West Summary – Videos

Diana West Hat Tip: Dick Manasseri Editor’s Note – From the Center for Security Policy, headed by Frank Gaffney, the following summary identified what the Defeat Jihad Summit was designed to accomplish, this followed by notes taken by one attendee, Diana West: Today, an extraordinary gathering of freedom-fighters in what might best be described as the War for the Free World convened in Washington, … [Read more...]
Benghazi 9-11; What a Truly Thorough Investigation Would Involve (ongoing)

Of course Americans need to know why our personnel were made vulterable in Benghazi, despite their pleas prior to the 9-11-2012 marauding -- and why they were kept vulnerable during its course. Definitely, we demand to know who covered up what, and not just by the rather silly video cover story. And of course we sovereigns of our nation must know what our personnel were doing there in the first place, and the second … [Read more...]
Benghazi Perspective, More Syrian Devastation and my Redemption Day are Coming

Long ago in political time, I offered to fellow patriots that I could... well... do this. @bettinavla @LoriMillerBurns @KatiePavlich @KLSouth Shall I do a short item, "What I'd Do if My Job were to Investigate Benghazi's Cause?" — Arlen Williams ? (@ArlenWms) May 9, 2013 I procrastinated. What I had in mind is... an article briefly describing how I might direct the close and thorough … [Read more...]
Washington Post Engages in Propaganda Exercise against Benghazi Conference (Update, Video)

DC Independent Examiner, Accuracy in Media Initial publication, June 17 Heritage Video: "Benghazi: The Difference It Makes Is Accountability!" The Washington Post’s Dana Milbank wrote a column on Monday titled “Heritage’s ugly Benghazi panel,” portraying a forum held the same day at the Heritage Foundation, hosted by the newly formed Benghazi Accountability Coalition, as nothing more than an anti-Islamic … [Read more...]
Hillary Clinton Should be Worried as Benghazi Coverup Unravels Cross-posted in full and with permission from my long time friend, Kenneth Timmerman. By: Kenneth R. Timmerman The New York Post Hillary Rodham Clinton -- Photo: AP Make it go away! That was the message of the Obama administration and their friends in the media for the past two years, and now we know why: Benghazi is the scandal they always denied it was. Thanks to a lawsuit by watchdog … [Read more...]
GOATS SPEAK OUT on #Benghazi and #NSA #Surveillance

Dogs and cats living together, goats joining heroes... ...there's no wool over these kids' eyes: #Obama,Tyranny Is Lurking, #NSA, Screaming Goat And upon the vote of confidence in our government's surveillance state strategy, as well as its State Department chicanery, in the opinion of the chair, the goats' nays have it over the ewes ayes. The next matter before our still sheepish Sovereign Citizenry … [Read more...]
National Security Experts Warn: Reject Brennan!

New Zeal The Center for Security Policy assembled a formidable group of national security experts to tackle concerns, questions and controversies surrounding Obama’s appointee for CIA Director, counter-terrorism adviser John Brennan. Hosted by the Center’s Frank Gaffney, this virtual press conference brings together Steve Emerson (Investigative Project on Terrorism); Zuhdi Jasser (American Islamic Forum for … [Read more...]
Adm. James Lyons (Ret.) on Growing Benghazi Scandal

Accuracy in Media The nominations of John Brennan for CIA Director and Chuck Hagel for Secretary of Defense are being held up by Republicans in the Senate largely because of the unwillingness of the Obama administration to come clean on the what the President knew, when he knew it, and what he did during the seven hours that the Temporary Mission and the annex in Benghazi were under attack on September … [Read more...]
Susan Rice’s Effort to Defuse Talking-Points Issue Backfires

Accuracy in Media Once again, CBS’s Sharyl Attkisson is leading the way among mainstream journalists. The winner of this year’s Reed Irvine Award for Investigative Reporting is making the obvious point—that the Obama administration can’t seem to get its story straight about many aspects of Benghazi-Gate. The issue on the table this week is why UN Ambassador Susan Rice was sent out to five Sunday talk shows … [Read more...]
Thomas Ricks: Apologist for the Sins of David Petraeus

Accuracy in Media A former Washington Post reporter is excusing the secret sex life and lies of David Petraeus, the retired general who resigned in disgrace as Obama’s CIA director. Petraeus and his mistress Paul Broadwell are currently under investigation for unauthorized disclosure and possession of classified information. Thomas E. Ricks, a veteran correspondent who covered the U.S. military for The … [Read more...]
The Islamic Pharaoh Rises

NoisyRoom Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood leader, Morsi, last week played the propagandized diplomat abroad for the masses. He claimed he was the one who created the ceasefire between Israel and Hamas with Hillary Clinton whimpering at his feet. All the while gaining political power and gravitas, which he did not waste upon returning to Egypt. Morsi basically declared himself Pharaoh last week: But the ink had … [Read more...]
Will the Post Expose Petraeus and Benghazigate?

Accuracy in Media The decline of The Washington Post can be seen in the silly Sunday story about how the lavish amenities afforded to today’s military leaders may have been responsible for David Petraeus cheating on his wife. The paper said, “The commanders who lead the nation’s military services and those who oversee troops around the world enjoy an array of perquisites befitting a billionaire, including … [Read more...]
Is Petraeus Scandal an Obama Scandal?

Accuracy in Media The news media are continuing to try to protect the Obama administration from a rapidly growing scandal. A November 13th article in The Washington Post by Scott Wilson argued that Obama “has been untouched by the unfolding investigation involving former CIA director David Petraeus,” a view that belongs on the opinion page under the heading, “wishful thinking,” not on the news pages. The … [Read more...]
Petraeus Spins the Media

Accuracy in Media Disgraced former CIA director David Petraeus is now talking to the press and denying that he leaked classified information to his mistress Paula Broadwell. But there is no reason to believe the denial. Petraeus is an admitted adulterer who covered up an extramarital affair. He was forced to resign and has no credibility left. Petraeus, a retired four-star Army general, spoke with Kyra … [Read more...]
Benghazi: Special Operations Speaks Presents 100K Signature Petition for Special Prosecutor

Special Operations Speaks is the political organization founded by U.S. Special Ops veterans which were censored for a time, before the general election, by Facebook. This may indicate why that was. At this point, as the event is occurring, we have no knowledge of any streaming netcast or live blogging of the event. We look forward to a follow-up report or update. Special Operations Speaks Sets Thursday … [Read more...]
Sarah Palin (& I) on Barack Obama’s Post Re-election Presser

In his press conference today, Barack Obama went weird on the subject of his direct report, U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice, instead of telling who instructed her (his direct report) to spout the big lie on her Sunday morning disinformation media tour, September 16th. He was not asked whether he issued the order for our military and CIA personnel to stand down and refuse to aid our heroes who were killed and wounded in … [Read more...]
Today America Wins or Dies (Simpson)

Excerpt from Today America Wins or Dies We have all felt it. The slow decline. The inevitable disappointment. It seems like we can’t win anymore. Why? Because we are not allowed to. It is not politically correct. The president himself said that he was “worried about using the term ‘victory’” in Afghanistan. We shouldn’t be thinking of the war on terror in terms of victory. What then? There … [Read more...]
Impeach Obama for Treason – Tancredo on Benghazi, Libya

BENGHAZI AMOUNTS TO GIVING ‘AID AND COMFORT’ TO THE ENEMY The four American deaths in Benghazi are a direct result of decisions and actions by President Obama that undermine the national-security interests of the United States. Those deaths may well be only a foretaste of the catastrophe awaiting the United States if Barack Hussein Obama remains in office four more years. As we all know, Obama … [Read more...]
Song for Glen Doherty, Sean Smith, Chris Stevens, & Ty Woods

Put their names in alphabetical order and Doherty and Woods remain standing on either side of those they, as true Americans sought to save, despite their putative Commander in Chief's desertion. Brothers in Arms by Mark Knopfler These mist covered mountains Are a home now for me But my home is the lowlands And always will be Some day you'll return to me Your valleys and your farms And you'll no longer … [Read more...]
What is Mitt Romney Doing about Benghazi? Here’s What (video)

I've been wondering what in the world Mitt Romney is or is not doing, regarding the Benghazi debacle and what he is having to do regarding its heinous backstory. More on the latter, later. From two bomb blasts by the Republican side last night and one, today, it appears he is willing to fight a proxy war to challenge Obama's deviance. These came via Fox News, from Newt Gingrich, former Assistant Secretary of … [Read more...]
Benghazi & Obama’s Muslim Brotherhood & CAIR Connections on Uncommon Knowledge 8pm ET

Link for Listening to the Program Uncommon Knowledge is hosted by national security research analyst and Gulag Bound contributor, Denise Simon and blogger, Bobbi of Bobbi85710's Mouth in the South. Their guest tonight, 8pm ET, is David Gaubatz, who brings revelatory news of Barack Obama's involvements with Islamist terrorist connected CAIR, during his 2008 election bid. What do Barack Hussein Obama's … [Read more...]
Ty Woods’ Family, on Obama Ordering his Son be Allowed to Die

Charles Woods is the father of Ty Woods, one of the two U.S. security personnel who defied orders in the attempt to save U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens, as he suffocated alone, from murderous arson. As did Glenn Doherty, Ty manned a machine gun position on the top of a nearby building, in a very hot firefight. Woods actually "painted" a mortar target with laser sighting, hoping there were an U.S. military aircraft … [Read more...]
Russian General Command: US Illegally Giving Weapons to Syrian ‘Rebels’

NoisyRoom Hat Tip: BB MRCTV See much more on this at Gulag Bound tag, "Benghazi" as shown below. … [Read more...]
Asking the Tough Questions (Unfortunatly that brings up Benghazi & Obama)

NoisyRoom By: T F Stern T F Stern's Rantings Saturday evening I listened to a talk by John Pingree, President of the Houston Texas Mission of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. He mentioned the need for each of us to offer up our prayers; but he structured his thoughts in such a way as to emphasize how our prayers should focus on our individual challenge to become more like the … [Read more...]
Obama Arming Islamic Jihadists

NoisyRoom Watch the latest video at From The Center for Western Journalism... See much more on this at Gulag Bound tag, "Benghazi" as shown below. … [Read more...]
Benghazi: Presidential Depraved Indifference

NoisyRoom Hat Tip: BB From: FireAndreaMitchell Not all monsters are the stuff of nightmares... Some reside in the White House and rule America. The Benghazi attack will dwarf Watergate - no one died in Watergate. What we do know is that the claims of 'spontaneous' protests to a YouTube video clip that supposedly offended Muslims is total bull crap. We know that in true Soviet style, Obama and his … [Read more...]
Real Reason for Bengazi: Weapons – Hagmann’s Report

There are three main sections of the many scandals, of which the injustices of 9-11-12 in Benghazi are the spear tip in time. Simply put, these sections are: 1. Before 9-11-12 2. During 9-11-12 3. After 9-11-12 To discover the deepest, darkest, and most essential truth about these events, we have to start with #1. From Douglas Hagmann's Northeast Intelligence Network and Canada Free Press: The Hidden Real … [Read more...]
Chemical Weapons Spurred Benghazi Raid; Sending to Turkey? If so, why?

Original posting, 10/26 at 6:30am CT According to some reports, numerous public and private servants of the United States are, in effect, taking up where Russia has brutally left off, in an attempt to keep America and NATO from initiating an unjust and immoral war in Syria -- a war that could bring about World War III. The whistle blowers are not only leaking documents, they are informing numerous journalists, … [Read more...]
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