By: Denise Simon | Founders Code RussiaGate was concocted. RussiaGate was globally choreographed. But it was never about Russia, the real covert truth and story is Iran. Lee Smith has confirmed what I knew in my gut to be true. Smith authored the book titled The Plot Against the President. I read it and Smith was gracious enough to come on my radio show to discuss the book, which you must read. … [Read more...]
Defeating Nazis But Helping the New Nazis, as Chinese Communists War Against America
By: Cliff Kincaid On the day commemorating the Nazi defeat in Europe, the new Nazis, the Chinese Communists, march ahead, making money from suffering, misery, and death. They are tightening the screws on America, as the bodies pile up and millions lose their jobs. President Trump is promising a better year in 2021, assuming he can win re-election. Meanwhile, Americans fight among themselves, unsure of what … [Read more...]
China’s Secret Pandemic Plan: Murder 200 Million Americans by Biowarfare
Jim Simpson for Congress In light of the coronavirus crisis, author, columnist and national security expert J.R. Nyquist recently republished a secret speech given by Chinese general Chi Haotian somewhere around 2002 -- the exact date isn't known -- to senior members of the Chinese Communist Party. In the speech, Chi describes how China's population growth cannot be contained within the borders of China. This, and … [Read more...]
Iran’s Underground Enrichment Facility
By: Denise Simon | Founders Code Under the Iran deal, Iran agreed to redesign, convert and limit its nuclear facilities. Particular focus was put on Iran’s uranium-enrichment capabilities, putting serious limitations on uranium-enrichment facilities in Iran – Natanz and Fordow. Among other resolutions, Iran also agreed to allow inspection of all its nuclear facilities and the IAEA inspectors will be … [Read more...]
John Kerry’s ‘Nonbinding’ Agreeability with Iran Demonstrates our Conspiracy-Incompetence Maxim
Never ascribe to only conspiracy, that which may also be incompetence, and vice versa. Or, said another way... Never presume that conspiracy and incompetence are mutually exclusive, without due evidence. DougRoss@Journal BECAUSE, CRUSADES: Kerry, State Department Agree That any Iran Deal Would Be "Non-Binding" By The Tower Over the past two days, both U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and State … [Read more...]
Democrats Lied, People Died: Massive WMD Stockpiles Existed in Iraq
The New York Times is now admitting that WMD always existed in Iraq, they were discovered many times, even injuring our soldiers, but the despicable leftists would crucify anyone who told the truth. So people lied to save their own skins. "Bush lied, people died," as the slogan went. But the liars are, were and have always been the Left. Chief among them was presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, … [Read more...]
Real Reason for Bengazi: Weapons – Hagmann’s Report
There are three main sections of the many scandals, of which the injustices of 9-11-12 in Benghazi are the spear tip in time. Simply put, these sections are: 1. Before 9-11-12 2. During 9-11-12 3. After 9-11-12 To discover the deepest, darkest, and most essential truth about these events, we have to start with #1. From Douglas Hagmann's Northeast Intelligence Network and Canada Free Press: The Hidden Real … [Read more...]
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