The border crisis is going from horrid to explosive. One shot could set the whole thing ablaze. And it will only get worse as patriots converge on the border to protect our nation. Militia, Three Percenters and Oath Keepers are deploying to do the work that our government refuses to do - to protect and defend our sovereignty. Sadly, they may not only be fighting a foreign invasion crossing our … [Read more...]
How Many MSNBC, Rachel Maddow Lies Can You Count About Veterans’ March?
To add to our Marxsteam Media and “Neo-Marxism Planned Mayhem”collections ... Who wishes to count them and let us know? We replay the video, you report! God decides. Thank you no, thank you. Video, 10/16, "MSNBC Caught Framing Vets With Edited Video" At least back in the day, Tokyo Rose played some nice music and had a pleasant radio voice. By the way, about the Confederate Flag, … [Read more...]
Former SEAL Ben Smith on Obama Admin vs. Veterans: They’re using us – want us to do something (video)
The Obamunists have been engaged in psyops warfare against our military veterans for years now. It may have even began with the DHS under Bush. Why? (Don't you know why?) Video, "Former Navy Seal Ben Smith's Warning to America! and Oath Keepers at World War II Memorial" "This can be absolutely planned and it's a conversation topic. They want us to do something. They either want to diminish our voice, or … [Read more...]
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