UPDATE My special guest last Monday night was Denise Simon, contributor to Gulag Bound and Stand Up America. Her expertise did not disappoint. If you want a "global perspective" on the greater humanitarian crisis than they're letting on... at our border, in D.C. and into our very homes... here is the archive. -- AW Discover Internet Radio with PRNRadioNetwork on BlogTalkRadio Next Monday, July 29, it will be … [Read more...]
Sovereignty Unbound Update: War on America, on the Border & in DC (Archived Monday)
Orchestrated Illegal Immigration in NWO Context; My Talk with Terresa Monroe-Hamilton
We did a net-radio program last night. We covered what this title describes. Plus I asked listeners what is wrong with the American public, that they're not catching on more quickly to what is really going on in the soft warfare of "fundamentally transforming the United States of America." That quotes Barack Obama. He just didn't finish the sentence by saying... into a colony of subjects again, this time of a global, … [Read more...]
Update: Recorded, Streaming Interview: Diana West, Author of American Betrayal (10/29)
Gladly, we've received quite a bit of response to this interview, including the request of its recording, for those who missed it live. I confess I was challenged at times to boil-down my concerns into questions, but Diana was kind to follow their little white rabbits along their rabbit trails. We were also privileged to be joined by geopolitical research analyst and fellow PRN broadcaster, Denise Simon, and … [Read more...]
Andrea Shea King: Navy Yard Shooter, Electromagnetic Frequency Weapons & Mind Control
UPDATE ~9:30PM CT The archive of the netcast will be available. My take is that at least some of Aaron Alexis' story is intriguing along these lines. As for the other guests besides Washington Times' Alan Jones, I'll say I'm somewhat less impressed. However we know that at least certain people can be hypnotically programmed to shoot one or more others. It's been on TV and everything. ;-) Actually, it is quite well … [Read more...]
Sovereignty Unbound, Tonight: What Obamacare Means + What Norman Dodd Knew, Pt. 2, 10pm-M ET
Tonight on Sovereignty Unbound, CJ in TX and I will let Dave Ramsey tell us what "The Affordable Care Act" really means to American Citizens (it must be stopped) and then we'll dig right back into 20th Century reality, with Norman Dodd this time interviewed by Dr. Stanley Monteith. If you don't know who Norman Dodd is, it is all the more important to make sure you hear. We will follow-up about it in Gulag Bound, … [Read more...]
Sovereignty Unbound’s Inaugural NetCast 6pm ET, this Constitution Day (archived)
Happy Constitution Day! And good evening. We're starting something new and would be honored if you would lend us an ear. We will be quite informal as we get acquainted with our new surroundings. This may be more of a prototype program than a well prepared premier, but we are honored to join PRN Radio on Tuesdays, 6-8pm ET. This evening we are honored to interview PRN Radio's Director and Watchmen of … [Read more...]
NetRadio: Arlen on with @Sir_Templar Tonight 9:15pm CT ‘The End Within’
temporary post TONIGHT 09/12 09:00PM CDT “Special Guest, Arlen Williams” TONIGHT, we are glad to announce our special guest Arlen Williams who has held strong during the patriot movement. Arlen states: “In addition to publishing and editing Gulag Bound: I have over twenty years in information technology sales and marketing, along with significant work in electoral organizing and some campaign management, … [Read more...]
Benghazi & Obama’s Muslim Brotherhood & CAIR Connections on Uncommon Knowledge 8pm ET
Link for Listening to the Program Uncommon Knowledge is hosted by national security research analyst and Gulag Bound contributor, Denise Simon and blogger, Bobbi of Bobbi85710's Mouth in the South. Their guest tonight, 8pm ET, is David Gaubatz, who brings revelatory news of Barack Obama's involvements with Islamist terrorist connected CAIR, during his 2008 election bid. What do Barack Hussein Obama's … [Read more...]
On Agenda 21, Arlen Williams Guest on ‘Bards Logic Political Talk’ Tonight
It will be Arlen's privilege to join Robert L. Jetter, Jr. on his BlogTalkRadio program, tonight. The "Bards Logic Political Talk" netcast begins at 8pm ET, 5pm PT. (If one uses phone instead of streaming and/or Skype, the call in Number is 347-945-7428.) They will be keeping tabs on Agenda 21, from the basics to the latest, including the Rio +20 summit just concluded. Also to be discussed is the Sovereignty … [Read more...]
Jack Cashill on the Radio
From the inbox: I'm filling in for Chris Stigall this Tuesday AM, 5-9 (Central), 710 KCMO. Will also be filling in for Kobach most Sundays before election. If you have a topic let me know. Wherever you are, listen Live to KCMO 710 Talk Radio in Kansas City! : http://www.710kcmo.com/ Jack http://www.cashill.com … [Read more...]
US Senate Candidate Dave Westlake – WI on Lady Libertas, Tonight
Dave Westlake, candidate for United States Senate in Wisconsin's Republican Primary (Tuesday, September 14) is a Special Guest on the "Truth and Liberty with Lady Libertas" netradio program at PHN. Westlake is running down to the wire, campaigning for the conservative, "classic liberal" principles with which America must be renewed. Find out where he stands on the issues most important to you. Contact those … [Read more...]
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