Obama and the US Soulless Class

Assuming they had them in the first place, our "leaders" have sold all of their souls, conscience, integrity, morality and any dignity they had to the highest bidders. What remains is a soulless class of once-human beings bent upon collecting as much illusory power and ill-gotten wealth as is possible. Practicing the old game of “He (or she as it were) wins who has the most at the end” these creatures actually seem … [Read more...]

Obama’s Muslim Identity and Ahmed Mohamed

By: Cliff Kincaid Accuracy in Media An ordinary citizen who identified President Barack Obama as a Muslim at a Donald Trump town hall meeting in New Hampshire showed that media brainwashing on the subject has been futile. The people understand that Obama asserts he is a Christian, but they just aren’t buying it. Obama has done too many things to benefit Muslims to convince people that he is not one of … [Read more...]

Planned Parenthood Baby Parts Vendor ABR Pays Off Clinics, Intact Fetuses ‘Just Fell Out’

NoisyRoom.net Hat Tip: BB The Right Scoop: Ninth Undercover Video: Intact fetuses “Just fell out” … [Read more...]

Kim Davis, Civil Disobedience, Defying the Powers-that-Be for Christian Beliefs

NoisyRoom.net There comes a time in every person's life where they have to decide what they stand for and what they believe in. What is the line that you just won't cross, no matter the consequence? Many people never consider that question until they are forced to. For Christians, it is an easy choice. They answer to a higher power than the government or the courts. For Kim Davis, that day came a while back … [Read more...]

Weekly Featured NeoMarxist: Rev. Nelson Johnson, North Carolina

KeyWiki.org Rev. Nelson Johnson is a North Carolina church leader, social activist and a former Communist Workers Party leader. Johnson has been active in the movement for "social and economic justice" since high school, in the late 1950s. He served as a student leader for the Student Government Association at A&T State University, in Greensboro, NC in 1970. Between high school and college, Rev. Johnson … [Read more...]

CMP’s Full Video Released: Planned Parenthood’s Sales of Baby Parts, for Experimentation in Mice

  The video and excerpted text below comes through LifeNews.com and Steven Ertelt.   Farrell made it clear that Planned Parenthood had been involved in the selling of aborted baby parts for some time and was very familiar with the use of fetal remains in the production of humanized mice. [...] She emphasized repeatedly that she creates a written line-item budget for compensation that effectively … [Read more...]

Sarah Palin Exposes Prog Hypocrisy: #DefundPlannedParenthood

Sarah Palin - Timeline Photos | Facebook Governor Palin is featuring this graphic, plus more associated with the hashtag #DefundPlannedParenthood, via her Facebook (and Twitter) accounts. This in turn is being featured in numerous sites. Here's one example: Sarah Palin's rebel flag scores direct hit on Planned Parenthood - BizPac Review We'll see who is getting the message as we keep delivering the … [Read more...]

White Lives Don’t Matter

Since Barack Hussein Obama and his criminal Syndicate took over the US White House in January 2009, black on white crime has escalated dramatically. With the exception of World Net Daily's Colin Flaherty (White Girl Bleed A Lot) and some of us in the real media, few to none in the US “mainstream” and increasingly—if that's even possible--leftist media have reported this growing, violent, and markedly disturbing … [Read more...]

Your 2015 Obamacare, Implant, and Mark of the Beast Test

"Another Democrat, Robert Brink, began mocking him... saying, 'The voters are not concerned with such foolishness.'" Are you able to deal with the hard political and technical realities of the Third Millennium, B.C.? Here is a test, to help you answer that question. Listen to widely known expositor of Biblical prophecy, Perry Stone. Here, Stone speaks of what he's read and been told about plans for … [Read more...]

Invasion USA

America's Survival     Investigative journalist Jim Simpson discusses the invasion of the USA through illegal and legal immigration, via Mexico and the Middle East. However, Christians are NOT part of this wave of immigrants from the Middle East. Simpson is the author of the new book, The Red-Green Axis: Refugees, Immigration and the Agenda to Erase America, available for only $2.99 as a Kindle … [Read more...]

Obama-Kerry’s JV Plan, Enhancing Iran’s Nuclear Destructiveness, Within the USA

    Netanyahu was right. This perverse deal would virtually guarantee Iran's acquisition of nuclear weapons.   But as Jim Kouri's Examiner.com article refers, it would also broaden their range, including their ability to plant bombs in the United States of America. How much more evidence is necessary, to recognize Barack Hussein Obama II as the mass saboteur of the United States of America … [Read more...]

Listen to Dick Morris. Really. ‘(Why) Bush Says Work More Hours’

Dick Morris' past is checkered. Not having scoured his autobiographical works, I would hope he's admitted that and, being a master at public relations, has not attempted to defend his former life as a chief political advisor to Bill Clinton. So... everybody past that? Good. Currently, he's not perfect, but I listen to him often for some of the most clear-eyed political analyses (and anti-globalist, … [Read more...]

Conserve What? Where’s the Outreach? in Comics? Graphic Novels? at Comic-Con?

From Judson Phillips, Tea Party Nation: Do you wonder why conservatives are losing the culture wars as well as the political wars? Conservatives are losing wars on both fronts.  Because conservatives lose the culture war, political wars are lost as a matter of course.  The late Andrew Breitbart explained why this happened and what conservatives needed to do. What was Breitbart’s advice and how is the left … [Read more...]

United States of America Becomes the Newest Socialist Country

The Supreme Court of the USA has now become the latest branch of the ObamaGov to legislate illegally. We no longer have 3 co-equal branches of government. As the Republicans have shown for — at least — the past several months, the people of the former USA no longer have any voice in government. Despite constituents “burning up the phone lines” to their Republican Congress members and Senators telling them to vote NO … [Read more...]

Retired NASA Scientists Take on Pope

Accuracy in Media With the papal encyclical on climate change scheduled for a June 18 release, the liberal media can be expected to portray the Vatican document as a major step forward for the United Nations agenda of controlling and taxing the use of natural resources by governments and people. But a group of retired NASA scientists is taking on the pope directly, armed with the expertise that has come … [Read more...]

Is the USA Even Worth Saving Anymore?

Do real (aka legal) numbers of US citizens really care if the USA lives or dies and is taken over by Islamists and Nazis? From the questions asked of people on the street by Jesse Watters of “Watters' World” the answer is no...and it's always a surprise to me that these people can actually get out of bed and dress themselves. The late Peter Jennings' television series “The Dumbing Down of America” has, ultimately, … [Read more...]

Hidden Camera: VA Director says VA Turning Veterans into Drug Addicts

Project Veritas   Caught on hidden camera, Deputy Veterans Administration Chief of Patient Services (for the entire VA) Maureen McCarthy, MD, said many of our military veterans "have drug problems, some of which are caused by us and our prescribing." In the undercover video, she admitted that the combination of "opiates, like morphine and benzodiazepine like Ativan and Klonopin" are like "candy" for a … [Read more...]

Officer Kerrie Orozco, Did Mom’s Life Matter?

Kerry Wheeler's life mattered to many, especially her husband, step-children, and her newborn baby.? Question 1: Where is the most crime in America? Question 2: Where do police need to be busiest among the people, despite how many cops are murdered there, by morally demented thugs, year in and year out? Anyone reading this who doesn't see that "progressives" are neo-Marxists ginning up unrest among inner … [Read more...]

Destroying and Killing the USA was Way Too Easy

The destruction of the USA and its takeover by domestic traitor and foreign forces has been in the works for many decades. In recent history, Roger Nash Baldwin (founder of the ACLU and 'father' of many other leftist organizations) was one of the prime “leg men” in establishing the foundation for the overthrow of the USA. Of the ACLU, he said: "Communism, of course, is the goal." Although he is said to have … [Read more...]

Obama and the Media Still Hiding Immigration Agenda

Accuracy in Media Once again, the Obama administration is deceiving the courts, and the American people, about its plans for amnesty for millions of current and future illegal aliens. And to make things worse, the Trans-Pacific Partnership Treaty, for which President Obama is seeking fast-track authority, would, according to Dick Morris, writing in The Hill, “override national immigration restrictions in the … [Read more...]

Michelle Obama Celebrates Iranian New Year like it’s (not) 2009, No Neda Agha-Soltan There

From John Nolte at Breitbart, the following item includes the obnoxious video of America's First Lady partying like it's (not) 2009 with the Iranians, in front of the great gold Obama curtains, in the White House.  That was on March 11 of this year. It is noteworthy that gold curtains are very significant in the Koran. It is depicted there that a special angel was encountered by Muhammad through a golden curtain, … [Read more...]

A Strong Warning from Trevor Loudon on Illegal Amnesty

By: Brent Parrish The Right Planet Click above to play video For the past three years, Trevor Loudon, author of the book Barack Obama and the Enemies Within, has been trying to warn Americans about the Marxist takeover of the Democratic Party. If you listen to the video above, you can hear Trevor is losing his voice from all the rallies he’s been attending lately. He is trying, with every fiber in his … [Read more...]

A Country Within a Country: Massive Immigration’s Cultural Invasion of America

Rudy Giuliani said what most of us have known for a long time now - Barack Hussein Obama does not love America. Who transforms a country he loves? What is it that he wants to transform it into? What will "The United States" look like after this fundamental transformation? Let us revisit an article that may help explain some of what is happening. From September, 2008, James M. Simpson's "Barack Obama and the … [Read more...]

White House Plans to Develop a ‘Country Within a Country’ of 15 Million ‘New Americans’

By: Sara Noble Independent Sentinel Citizens Will Be Cast Into The Shadows h/t Patrick Brown The White House has plans to legalize 13 to 15 million illegal immigrants who will then establish a “country within a country.” The following Mark Levin interview with Susan Payne is shocking but it also puts all the pieces into place. Susan Payne is a contributor to WCBM, Baltimore and Co-Host of the Pat … [Read more...]

BREAKING: Obama Creating a ‘Country Within a Country’ with Illegals

DC Independent Examiner On Thursday, Mark Levin interviewed Sue Payne on the subject of Obama's illegal alien amnesty plans. Payne is a Maryland activist who co-hosts WCBM's Pat McDonough radio talk show on Saturday nights with Maryland Delegate Pat McDonough, himself an outspoken critic of illegal immigration. Payne was able to insinuate herself into a series of three White House conference calls regarding … [Read more...]

Net Neutrality: ‘Young fool… Only now, at the end, do you understand’

NoisyRoom.net We keep hearing, from the saviors in Washington, DC, how government regulation is the answer and how "evil monopolies" (created, incidentally, by other government regulations) are responsible for all our trials and tribulations and the "fundamental unfairness" of the Internet as she is currently wrote. Obligatory movie quote: "No. No government. I know those people. Absolutely not." - Col. … [Read more...]

Adm. James Lyons Explains Obama, Muslim Brotherhood & ISIS Almost to the Depths

This morning, Andrea Shea King conducted a brief (half-hour) and for the only major media -informed, very revelatory interview with retired Admiral James A. Lyons. It concerned the realities of Barack Hussein Obama, Muslim Brotherhood's Obama-accelerated but longstanding infiltration of American halls of power, the use of the U.S. Department of State, and just a smidge about "our" corrupt (anti-)American exploits in … [Read more...]

‘Cap and Trade’ is Alive and Well, Despite Having Never Passed Congress

Seton Motley PJ Tatler, PJ Media Remember “Cap and Trade?”  The anti-market allegedly “market-based” “solution” to man-faked global warming climate change? A central authority (usually a governmental body) sets a limit or cap on the amount of a pollutant that may be emitted. The limit or cap is allocated and/or sold by the central authority to firms in the form of emissions permits which represent the … [Read more...]

Progressive Madness Causes Feminist to Murder Own Son in Own Womb

In the mindset corrupted by demons, who in most recent epochs tend to brainwash for neo-Marxist "progressivism," down becomes up and wrong becomes right. It happened with Cain in his hatred of God and of His disparate blessing upon someone He favored, his brother, Abel. The rebellious son murdered the son rewarded for his righteous work. It happened with Esau, who despised his own birthright of sovereignty in … [Read more...]

Obama the Anti-American, Now Defies the Court for Amnesty & #NAU

Obama the neo-Marxist "community organizer" gets with the racists of the Hispanic world. Via CNN, "President Barack Obama addresses the National Council of La Raza annual conference Monday in Washington," AFP photo "The lawless one," in the White House. President Antithesis (it's like what Antichrist is to Jesus, but different... well, sort of different). Obama defies judge, forges ahead with amnesty As to … [Read more...]