By: Brent Parrish
The Right Planet
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For the past three years, Trevor Loudon, author of the book Barack Obama and the Enemies Within, has been trying to warn Americans about the Marxist takeover of the Democratic Party. If you listen to the video above, you can hear Trevor is losing his voice from all the rallies he’s been attending lately. He is trying, with every fiber in his being, to warn Americans of the dire consequences of ignoring the ominous slide toward pure socialism occurring now in the American body politic.
A little while back I had the distinct pleasure of sitting down and talking to Trevor Loudon at length when he visited Indianapolis. Many of the points he is making in his presentation to the Leadership Institute were the same ones he made during his visit to Indy.
I want to focus on some key points regarding illegal immigration Trevor made in his presentation.
Before 1995, the AFL-CIO labor union was lead by alleged anti-communists like Lane Kirkland and George Meany. But, in 1995, the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) and the Gramcsiist communists kicked out Lane Kirkland, replacing him with DSA member John Sweeney. Sweeney is currently President Emeritus of the AFL-CIO. He was president of the organization for four terms, from 1995 to 2009. Richard L. Trumka is the current AFL-CIO President.
The radical leftists took over every major labor union in the country, and purged the Democratic Party of all the moderates, dixiecrats, centrists and bluedog democrats—with Sen. Joe Lieberman being the last to go.
Today, there is not a single policy embraced by the Democratic Party that can be distinguished from the platform of the Communist Party USA or the Democratic Socialists of America. This is full-on Marxism-Leninism, ladies and gentlemen. I have been warning about this for years—Trevor, even longer. Now we have a situation where some twenty-thousand Marxists own the unions, and the unions own the Democratic Party. It was Vladimir Lenin who once wrote that the labor unions are “the transmission belts from the Communist Party to the masses.”
Trevor mentioned some key individuals worth noting in his presentation that have been major driving forces behind the “immigration reform” movement (i.e. amnesty) in the United States.
The first organized effort to bring Latinos into the Democratic Party started with hardcore communist Bert Corona in the 1950’s. It was Corona who set up the Viva Kennedy clubs that, for the first time, brought large numbers of Mexican-Americans into a Presidential campaign.
The former mayor of Los Angeles, Antonio Villaraigosa—a hardcore Marxist, who cut sugar cane in Cuba for the Castro brothers—turned L.A. into a sanctuary city, and forbade the LAPD from enforcing immigration. The illegals flooded into California by the hundreds of thousands.
Communist Party supporter, and former head of the California senate, Gil Cedillo, pushed through the DREAM Act in California about three years ago, giving so-called “rights” to the children of illegal immigrants—euphemistically called “undocumented workers.”
Maria Elena Durazo, a Marxist and chair of the AFL-CIO’s Immigration Committee, added hundreds of thousands of Latinos to the California voter rolls over the past 15 years via union-led and union-funded get-out-the-vote efforts.
The current leader of the “immigration reform” movement is DSA member and Communist Party supporter Eliseo Medina. Until recently, Medina was the head of the SEIU union. He served on Obama’s Latino Advisory Council with several other Marxists.
Medina works very closely with Rep. Luis Gutiérrez (D-IL), who is attempting to drive amnesty through the House. Gutiérrez regularly consults President Obama on immigration issues. When Gutiérrez couldn’t shove amnesty through the House, he pressured Obama to do it illegally via executive orders.
After five years of hard lobbying, Medina manged to get the AFL-CIO to flip their policies from anti-illegal to pro illegal immigration—which was achieved at their national convention held in Louisiana in 2000. According to Trevor Loudon, Eliseo was quoted as saying passing amnesty is the number one priority of the Progressive Movement. Granting citizenship and voting rights to 11 million “undocumented workers” is the primary and ultimate goal. There was no talk of compassion, or reuniting families, or helping the economy at the convention in Louisiana. The interests of the “Party” comes first. Period.
Before 1995 unions represented the interests of labor and its union members (and to make union leaders rich). But, now, the goal of the labor unions is strictly “socialist revolution.”
“Illegals are bad for union workers; they will cost jobs; but they’re great for the revolution,” says Trevor Loudon.
Twenty-five years ago it was the labor unions that were staunchly opposed to illegal immigration, citing unfair competition that would drive down wages and conditions for union members should amnesty be granted. Now labor leads the charge to legalize illegals. Union leaders are selling out their own members because revolution comes first. The Marxists have succeeded at getting union members to vote against their own best interests.
California, the most populous state in the union, with the most electoral votes, has already been lost to the Marxists and the communists. Should the likes of Eliseo Medina and Barack Obama succeed in adding at least eight million Latinos to the voter rolls, it will turn the second most populous state in the union, Texas, blue. No Republican president will ever be elected again—at least, not in our lifetimes. The United States, in effect, will become a one-party state led by the unions and the communists. This is why Trevor believes Obama is risking so much political capital on his risky executive amnesty maneuver.
Members of the GOP who support amnesty are committing political suicide. If the Republican leadership believes granting amnesty to millions of illegals will result in creating new Republican voters, they are utterly delusional. In 2008, Latinos voted overwhelmingly for Obama and progressive candidates.
And yet, according to Trevor Loudon, the Chamber of Commerce spent $1.7 billion in the past 10 years promoting amnesty. But, why? The answer is simple: cheap labor. Members of the Vichy GOP are not looking any farther than the noses on their collective faces. It’s all about cheap labor and profits—nation be damned. But, as Vladimir Lenin once said, “The capitalists will sell us the rope with which to hang them.”
If you think the Democrats and their progressive ilk are arrogant, corrupt and power-mad now, just wait when they have sole control. If this brazen attempt at executive amnesty is allowed to stand, the United States will go the way of Venezuela, then Cuba. We have only two years to save our constitutional republic. Time is not on our side, ladies and gentlemen.
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