America's Survival Investigative journalist Jim Simpson discusses the invasion of the USA through illegal and legal immigration, via Mexico and the Middle East. However, Christians are NOT part of this wave of immigrants from the Middle East. Simpson is the author of the new book, The Red-Green Axis: Refugees, Immigration and the Agenda to Erase America, available for only $2.99 as a Kindle … [Read more...]
Baptist Child and Family Services: An Entity in Bed with the Obama Regime (& Catholic Bishops)
By: Andrea Shea King The Radio Patriot The Conservative Treehouse’s “Sundance” has done his homework on the international organization known as “Baptist Child and Family Services” that is in cahoots with our federal government, AKA the Obama Regime. Knowledge is power. Read this. Share it with your circle. Then send it to your Congressional reps. Reposted here: Soccer Balls, Sanctimony and A Billion Dollar … [Read more...]
UPDATE: Christian Ministries Shut-Out by Obama & DHS from Aiding Alien Minors Pushed into America
The Obamunists hardly want actual Christian relief organizations interfering with their planned and executed, Marxofascist disruption, at these hideously abused children's expense. An "Army" of Christians on the Border Prepared to Respond to "Heart-Breaking" Child Immigrant Crisis UPDATE - the CBN video featured in the Charisma Magazine article linked through the above (too bad the CBN staff is regurgitating … [Read more...]
George Soros’ Links to Roman Catholic ‘Charities’
With malice toward all, with charity for none, George Soros and... Catholic Campaign for Human Development Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good Alinskyite Marxist Gamaliel Foundation etc. ..,as featured in New Zeal blog and Trevor Loudon, who helped us put George Soros into perspective in the global Marxofascist movement, during last Thursday's, Gulag Night netcast (archived - link): Soros Links to … [Read more...]
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