CMP’s Full Video Released: Planned Parenthood’s Sales of Baby Parts, for Experimentation in Mice

Planned Parenthood  
The video and excerpted text below comes through and Steven Ertelt.


Farrell made it clear that Planned Parenthood had been involved in the selling of aborted baby parts for some time and was very familiar with the use of fetal remains in the production of humanized mice. […] She emphasized repeatedly that she creates a written line-item budget for compensation that effectively conceals the fact that the money received from fetal remains is actually a financial benefit to the company above and beyond hard costs. In addition, she noted that they are able to alter abortion procedures to make sure they have baby parts to sell. […] Yet Farrell acknowledged that it was illegal for them to alter the timing or manner of the procedure for the purpose of ensuring organs were fit for use by researchers. In the lengthy video, Farrell is seen looking over her e-mail when she finds a message from an immune-biology laboratory that was requesting fetal tissue to create humanized mice. The full conversation can be reviewed beginning at the 4:27:45 time marker on the full video.

Full, Unedited Video Confirms Planned Parenthood Sells Baby Parts to Create “Humanized” Mice

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