From John Nolte at Breitbart, the following item includes the obnoxious video of America's First Lady partying like it's (not) 2009 with the Iranians, in front of the great gold Obama curtains, in the White House. That was on March 11 of this year. It is noteworthy that gold curtains are very significant in the Koran. It is depicted there that a special angel was encountered by Muhammad through a golden curtain, … [Read more...]
Michelle Obama’s Dogs are More Special than You

How infuriated would we like to be? There are so many words that may be brought, to describe the unprecedented decadence of Barack and Michelle Obama and the Obamunists, in the face of the suffering and ongoing, intentional devastation amidst the Sovereign People of our own America, plus Egypt's, Libya's, Syria's, Iraq's, Afghanistan's, Iran's, Israel's, etc.... I will simply present Michelle Obama's tweet … [Read more...]
Did Michelle Obama go for the Militant Jane Fonda Look?

The resemblance struck me over and over again this very long weekend. I don't want to take much time for it, so I won't, but I'll share my impression of a resemblance between two... pretty ladies at... special times in their lives. Michelle Obama on inauguration weekend 2013, a special time: Iconic, or just ironic? Jane Fonda, circa November 1970, at a special time which happened to be about the time she … [Read more...]
The Canter Family: from Soviet Propaganda, Frank Marshall Davis, David Axelrod & Barack Obama to Cyber Revolutionary

New Zeal Cleveland Ohio based software entrepreneur Marc Canter, is a leading light in the computer world and is active in the open source software movement. Marc Canter founded MacroMind in 1984 which became MacroMedia in 1991. Canter led the team that created the world's first multimedia player, the first cross-platform authoring system and the world's leading multimedia platform (Director - which became … [Read more...]
Serious Call for Lip Readers: Michelle & Barack Obama 9-11-11 Video

What did she say? This is out there and speculation abounds. The truth should be told, if possible. Do you know of any expert lip readers? They should not be hard to find, though I know of none, personally. Please reply in comments, below, or to And, we would like to follow-up, so please let us know how we may do that with you. Two close-ups, below. -AW (not … [Read more...]
Valerie Jarrett’s Father-in-Law was a Communist – Worked with Obama Mentor Frank Marshall Davis

New Zeal Vernon Jarrett Senior Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett’s late father-in-law and Chicago Sun-Times columnist Vernon Jarrett, was a key member of the South Chicago communist left of the late 1940s. After graduating from Knoxville College in Tennessee, Jarrett moved to Chicago in 1946 to work as a journalist. On his first day on the job at the radical Chicago Defender, he was sent to cover a race … [Read more...]
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