Dear Israel

NoisyRoom Hat Tip: Nancy Jacques By: Neo From: Human Events Dear Israel, I’m an American, and I want you to know that I think the man occupying our White House is an idiot. Let me be very clear that I consider our two nations, Israel and the United States of America, as allies. I apologize for the misguided and presumably darkly motivated remarks of Barack Obama, apparently intended to make it … [Read more...]

Palestinians Sign Unity Pact – Preparation for Statehood

New Zeal Moves to establish a Palestinian state are fast gathering momentum.     From the Communist Party USA’s Peoples World: Leaders of 14 Palestinian political parties including Fatah and Hamas announced a unity agreement in Cairo on Wednesday. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, who also heads the Fatah party, joined Hamas leaders Khaled Mashaal and Ismail Haniyeh for the … [Read more...]

Is ‘Social Justice’ a Christian Virtue?

Sourced with comments by Janet Smiles Jonathan Cousar's blog on Freedom Torch Network has brought to light a very popular pastor's deluding of the orthodox and reasonable interpretation of God's Word, the Bible, which has led many otherwise "evangelical' Christians to the brink of socialism.  We are warned that in the last days men will not tolerate sound doctrine, that time has come. Jonathan is a workman … [Read more...]

Socialist International Statement on Arab Revolutions

New Zeal The Marxists of the Socialist International are backing the revolutionary wave sweeping North Africa and the Middle East. From a statement issued after a Socialist International Presidium meeting in Athens, Greece, 19 March 2011: The Presidium of the Socialist International is today gathered in Athens, in the foothills of the Acropolis, at a crucial moment for democrats and the Arab world, where … [Read more...]

Marxists and Muslim Peaceniks Unite Against America’s Military

New Zeal Glenn Beck and this blog have been saying for some time that the far left and radical Islam were working together against America. Last weekend, the United National Antiwar Committee organized large Bring the Troops Home Now! rallies in New York and San Francisco. Who is the United National Antiwar Committee? Currently serving on the organization's executive board are: Shaik Ubaid, … [Read more...]

Beck: ‘We are One’ Rallies, Smoking Gun Evidence of Coordinated Worldwide Marxofascist Insurrection

As stated in the early, Tunisa & Egypt days, Glenn Beck is essentially right on the Middle East. So are Cliff Kincaid, Trevor Loudon, David Horowitz, James Simpson, Terresa Monroe-Hamilton, Maggie Thornton, Aaron Klein, Brenda Elliott, Kristinn Taylor, Andrea Shea King, etc. The same of course is true about the rest of the world, concerning the overall manipulation of a globally collectivist megacabal and its … [Read more...]

The Plan, Agenda 21: The Death Knell of Liberty

At the U.N. Summit at Rio in 1992, the Conference Secretary-General, Maurice Strong, said “Isn’t the only hope for this planet that the industrialized civilization collapse?  Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?” ------------- “The common enemy of humanity is man.  In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water … [Read more...]

Why Wisconsin? Warning: History

Elements of this article have also appeared in "Truthing Up, in the Face of Marxist Spawned Power in Wisconsin." On, Wisconsin! On, Wisconsin! Plunge right through that line! Run the bill clear through that crowd, Get out of debt this time! (U rah rah!) On, Wisconsin! On, Wisconsin! Or it’s Cloward-Piven time. Fight! Fellows! – fight, fight, fight! Or it‘ll be our behinds! I imagine you are aware of all those … [Read more...]

The Collapse of the Middle East

If Egypt should fall, it will mark the beginning of the end for what little remaining stability there is in the Middle East. Jordan is facing similar unrest, as is Algeria and Yemen. Lebanon and Tunisia fell in January. It is highly unlikely that these events are unrelated. A combination of leftist and Islamist forces provoked the protests, and we are likely looking at a ring of radical Islamic states rising up to … [Read more...]

ElBaradei’s Unsavory Associates

Mohamed ElBaradei Self appointed spokesman for the Egyptian "revolution" Mohamed ElBaradei is not a man to inspire confidence in pro-Western circles. Tariq Rauf As head of the U.N's International Atomic Energy Agency (1997-2009) ElBaradei cultivated a circle of advisers, a "kitchen cabinet" - that included an accused Russian spy, Canadian national and IAEA Verification and Security head … [Read more...]

George Soros Sighting: Maniacal Marxist Subordinating the ‘Free Press’

Reported at Big Government: The Marriage Between Free Press and George Soros Gets Stronger It looks like the Soros machine isn’t done with Net Neutrality, even after its December coup at the FCC. Our Soros-supported socialist friends at Free Press just announced that David Saldana will be its new communications director.  If that name doesn’t ring a bell, you evidently haven’t been following Mr. Soros’ … [Read more...]

Ayers, Obama and the Destabilization of Egypt

We know that Bill Ayers, Obama mentor and former terrorist, has been mucking about in Egypt, but we cannot know for sure what that portends. What seems clear from the record is that Ayers and his circle – perhaps Obama himself – are less concerned with the future of Egypt than they are with the future of Israel, a country whose "story of itself" Ayers has denounced as "?elaborate, self-aggrandizing and thoroughly … [Read more...]

Emergency: All Eyes on Venezuela Sunday 1/23

American patriots, from Tea Parties to social democrats are being urged to show up as a ‘flash mob’-- preferably with a red gag or bandanna over their mutually non-violent mouths -- or at least to noise it up, in media and to media. Caracas is the touch-point – ground zero beginning 9:30am ET and it could be, literally ballistic. As China transported military thugs from Mongolian provinces, to dispatch the … [Read more...]

Gulag Bound Hit by Cyber Attack ~ Update: WikiLeaks & Anarchist Tools

Update: At present, you may not have access to the articles referenced here.  Therefore, we are posting them below, in this entry. G u l a g   B o u n d Our hosting services fought back the attack, but we are looking for any lasting effects.  If you experience any difficulties accessing Gulag Bound, please do comment to this entry.  [Edit: or email to] Thank you. This featured a … [Read more...]

GOP Continues to play Supplicant to Marxist Obama – Our Nation under Siege

Using only the quietest and most humble voices to disagree with the Dictator-in-Chief, Republican leaders continued to bow and scrape to the usurped and, therefore, illegal authority claimed by Barack Hussein Obama to function as POTUS.  In other words, as The Obama bows to foreign leaders--therefore placing the USA in a subservient position to them--the GOP establishment RINOs (aka Marxist/Democrat plants) continue … [Read more...]

Dems Continue to Pound Final Nails into USA Coffin

In the last few days of the lame duck Congress--sadly the duck isn’t even the slightest bit lame--with the assistance of a few RINOs the US Marxist/Leninist Democrats is destroying as much left of the once great United States of America as it can. The repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”--so that Gays can serve as openly-gay in the US military--was passed with the help of 8 RINOs, including consistent Marxist/Democrat … [Read more...]

The ‘Earth Charter’ & the Globalist Plan: It’s Not Going to Get Better

Presented in a speech from Santa Cruz, CA: Video, "Globalism and Tyranny: Dr. Stan Monteith & Sheriff Richard Mack Speech from Santa Cruz, CA": Read this International Document yourself  The Earth Charter Initiative: Preamble We stand at a critical moment in Earth's history, a time when humanity must choose its future. As the world becomes increasingly interdependent and fragile, the future at once holds … [Read more...]

WikiLeaks & Julian Assange; their Motives if not Results, Coming into Focus

WikiLeaks has always been more than Jullian Assange. It is also been quite apparent that it is its own entity, however funded it may or may not be, by the likes of George Soros, or his evil friends. If WikiLeaks is supported by such entities, think of Sauron attempting the services of the Balrog, or... Smeagol, if you're a Lord of the Rings aficionado, or think of a league of asymmetrical warriors (which the … [Read more...]

Stop START: Who Does a Defenseless America Benefit?

Reported at the Heritage Foundation Foundry: Morning Bell: Release the START Negotiating Record Yesterday, the Senate voted 66–32 to begin debate on the New START agreement with Russia. Only a simple majority (51) was required, but vote counters can use yesterday’s roll call as a benchmark for final ratification, which will need 67 votes to pass. With the seating of Senator Mark Kirk (R–IL), the White House … [Read more...]

Sean Penn Movie, ‘Fair Game’ Full of Lies, Post Says (Valerie Plame & Joe Wilson)

When the Washington Post isn’t letting ideology trump news judgment by beating the drums for the left-wing domestic agenda of the Democratic Party, it can sometimes get a story straight. Such was the case with its editorial, “Hollywood myth-making on Valerie Plame controversy.” In an editorial, the paper tore the new movie, “Fair Game,” starring left-wing movie actor and friend of Hugo Chavez Sean Penn, to … [Read more...]

Media Heavily Invested in New Start Treaty

The media are pushing hard to help President Obama succeed in getting the Senate to ratify the New Start Treaty with Russia. Weekend talk shows were filled with Obama administration officials, primarily Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mike Mullen, talking about the urgency for the Senate to ratify the treaty during the lame duck session. But instead of trying to … [Read more...]

Terrorist Ayers Endorses Stewart/Colbert Rallies

When comics Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert announced their rallies on the national mall scheduled for this Saturday, they may not have expected—or wanted—an endorsement from Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers. But Ayers told the Ford Motor Company-sponsored Green Festival in Washington, D.C. last Saturday that the event will be a needed respite from the “Alice in Wonderland” world of military domination of the … [Read more...]

At All Costs Marxists

Listen to this column online The recent gathering at the Lincoln Memorial was nothing less than an enormous, nationally televised coming-out party for closet Marxists. Washington watchers have long known about the love affair between the Marxists in America and other major political forces. Here are a few of the organizations that are marching, lock-step, in support of the Democratic majority that is advancing a … [Read more...]

Terror Suspects were Active in Obama’s Socialist “New Party”

This article is subsequent to Trevor Loudon's September 27th New Zeal article, "Busted! Anti-American Terrorism Supporters — in Chicago and Minneapolis." ------------- On September 24, about 20 FBI agents spent most of the day searching the Logan Square residence of Chicago activists Stephanie Weiner and her husband, Joseph Iosbaker, reports the Chicago Tribune. Working for Willie Delgado In 1998 the duo … [Read more...]

Communists, Danny Glover, Invited to “Progressive March”

The indefatigable Cliff Kincaid of Accuracy in Media draws our attention to the “One Nation Working Together” protest which is scheduled for October 2, 2010 in Washington, D.C. “I’m proud and excited to be a part of One Nation Working Together," says prominent leftist actor, Danny Glover. "Exciting news! We're thrilled that Mr. Glover will be participating," say the organizers. Hardly surprising when you take a look … [Read more...]

Communists to Be Welcomed at Progressive March in DC

The “peace director” of the October 2 “One Nation Working Together” rally says that the U.S. should immediately withdraw from Iraq and Afghanistan, military aid to Israel should be ended, and that Iran has the right to develop nuclear weapons as long as the U.S. has them. He also says that Marxists are invited to participate at his upcoming rally. Michael McPhearson, one of the key organizers of the event and … [Read more...]