By: Cliff Kincaid Barack Hussein Obama’s “fundamental transformation” of America is happening now. We have a communist insurrection in the streets that includes the burning of churches, tearing down of historical monuments, and attacks on businesses, homeowners, and police by the revolutionary mob. There is ongoing censorship of conservatives by Big Tech, coming after a Supreme Court decision by a … [Read more...]
Trump Must Break Up the Big Tech Monopolies Now
By: Cliff Kincaid A conservative website, The Federalist, is crying about Google censorship because of a threat to “demonetize” the site. Excuse me if I don’t shed a tear. There are excellent conservative sites that don’t get one red cent of Google ad money but stay in business through donations from readers or other independent sources of revenue. Mine is one. That’s America’s Survival, Inc. The … [Read more...]
The Traitors, Dopes, Dupes, and Globalists Around Trump
By: Cliff Kincaid We know President Trump is a target of the Deep State. But that alone doesn’t explain why so many of his former allies, nominees, and appointees have turned against him or his policies. Could it be that the president, who once starred in a TV show about firing incompetent people, has been hiring too many incompetent (or worse) people as president? Or is something else going on? Is … [Read more...]
Jeffrey Epstein and the Deep Dark Secrets of the Rich, Famous, and Powerful
By: Cliff Kincaid What I find interesting about the spurt of Jeffrey Epstein shows and programs over the last few weeks is the failure to expose his high-level connections in really high society. We learn some old news, such as that Bill Clinton and Donald J. Trump were once considered his friends. But holding Clinton responsible for his associations with Epstein may not be possible anymore, with Epstein six … [Read more...]
Maoist Thugs Target Christians with Support from Justice Roberts
By: Cliff Kincaid With all that’s happening in the United States and the world, you may have missed the ruling from our “conservative” Supreme Court on May 29. The “conservative” Supreme Court Chief Justice, John Roberts, joined the four liberals in ruling that churches are not entitled to First Amendment protections and that they have to obey the dictates of liberal governors. Two days later, St. … [Read more...]
2020 as Late 1960’s Redux, And Does China Now Fuel America’s Young Marxist Thugs?
When I was a seven year-old boy, my family had just moved into the Baptist parsonage in downtown Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, a little resort town seventy-some miles from Chicago and forty-some from Milwaukee. Early, that Summer of 1966, as I recall I caught the measles, was carried on a fold-up bed into the next door church basement for a tornado warning, received Jesus Christ as my savior during Vacation Bible School, … [Read more...]
The Law and Order President is Failing America
By: Cliff Kincaid Conservative Christian broadcaster Brannon Howse told me this week that it doesn’t look like President Trump wants to win the presidential election. “He had better get his act together or else he’s going to lose to a guy that doesn’t even know who his own wife is,” he said. Howse and many other conservatives are frustrated by the (lack of) response of the Trump-Pence Administration to the … [Read more...]
Kissinger’s ‘Red China Gambit’ is Killing America
By: Cliff Kincaid Journalist Mike Allen’s father, Gary Allen, wrote the great book, Kissinger: The Secret Side of the Secretary of State, describing how Henry Kissinger’s “Red China Gambit” included the abandonment of the free people of the Republic of China on Taiwan. Kissinger’s power play was based on the false hope that China had abandoned communism. Gary Allen described the Red Chinese as … [Read more...]
Americans Must Demand Justice In Obamagate
By: Cliff Kincaid As we remember those who served our country, fighting for the great American experiment in self-government and individual liberty, the fate of America’s constitutional republic hangs in the balance. This is not because of the threat posed by China but because of a seeming inability by our criminal justice system to hold lawbreakers and traitors accountable. “I have a chance to break … [Read more...]
Making Heroes out of Dope Dealers and Stoners
By: Cliff Kincaid The new “Heroes” bill offered by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is the latest version of the Green New Deal. It makes “heroes” out of dope dealers, with the “green” being marijuana and money. The $3 trillion bill, considered DOA (Dead on Arrival) in the Senate, is an example of the power of Big Marijuana, which owes its very existence to billionaire George Soros, the founder of the modern drug … [Read more...]
Defeating Nazis But Helping the New Nazis, as Chinese Communists War Against America
By: Cliff Kincaid On the day commemorating the Nazi defeat in Europe, the new Nazis, the Chinese Communists, march ahead, making money from suffering, misery, and death. They are tightening the screws on America, as the bodies pile up and millions lose their jobs. President Trump is promising a better year in 2021, assuming he can win re-election. Meanwhile, Americans fight among themselves, unsure of what … [Read more...]
A Chinese Pattern Emerges: First Fentanyl, Now Coronavirus
By: Cliff Kincaid There are people in China and America, some with connections to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, who are upset with reports that the coronavirus is linked to the lab. They want to blame President Trump for a plague unleashed by China. But it turns out there are many controversial labs in Wuhan. Some “study” viruses. Some produce fentanyl. A fascinating article in the Los Angeles … [Read more...]
Advice for the Church: Better Call Saul
By: Cliff Kincaid A local pastor is walking dozens of miles to raise funds for the poor and hungry, many of whom have been created by the government’s COVID-19 economic lockdown. That’s a nice thing to do. But his own church in the Washington, D.C. area remains essentially closed, except for “private” displays of Christianity. Some of his parishioners entered the church to fill the pews with pictures of the … [Read more...]
NIH Director Francis Collins in the Middle of China Virus Scandal
By: Cliff Kincaid Most of the media were too busy covering the phony Russia-gate story to notice how China has been directly involved in controversial coronavirus research funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Since the media ignored the threat, they are now charging President Trump with ignoring the threat and peddling “conspiracy theories” about it. This is how the fake news media deceive the … [Read more...]
Saving the Planet as People Perish
By: Cliff Kincaid “With Crisis Comes Opportunity” is how the organization Voices for the Earth Summit sees the death and destruction from the coronavirus. “This global pandemic is one of the greatest tragedies of our time, but it is also revealing opportunities that have not been so clearly seen before,” it says. “We are awakening to the fact that our current systems are not working, they are failing … [Read more...]
Living and Dying in Bill Gates’ Fish Bowl
By: Cliff Kincaid As the virus takes its toll, those of us still in good health and with the ability to think clearly have the duty to explain to our fellow citizens what is really going on. We are living in a global experiment in which “health experts” such as Bill Gates, previously known for software development, have decided to treat us as specimens in a giant fishbowl for study and observation. Many of … [Read more...]
China Goes Gaga Over Pro-UN WHO ‘One World Together at Home’
By: Cliff Kincaid In cooperation with the World Health Organization (WHO), the U.N. agency that paved the way for the coronavirus global pandemic, a group calling itself Global Citizen sponsored a bizarre “international broadcast” on Saturday in collaboration with a singer named Lady Gaga that featured “the world’s leading musicians, comedians, and humanitarians.” This was a classic case of … [Read more...]
Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx Have a Record of Medical Failure
The Washington Post has been a joke for a long time, at least since the days when it won a Pulitzer Prize in 1981 for a story about a child heroin addict who turned out not to exist. The paper is now filled, on a daily basis, with poison pen “analysis,” backed by phony “fact-checkers,” criticizing almost anything President Trump says or does. Somehow, basic facts that may impact the coronavirus story, such as the … [Read more...]
Mayor Pete and Jeffrey Epstein: Spawn of the Sexual Revolution
The Culture Wars are mostly over, and the sexual revolutionaries have won. But they are not proclaiming total victory. They want a gay president in the White House, in order to complete Barack Hussein Obama’s “fundamental transformation” of America. With their eyes on the prize, they want to mandate through executive order a risky HIV/AIDS vaccine. But such a vaccine could backfire and spread the disease to … [Read more...]
The Fishy Death of Jeffrey Epstein
The late billionaire Jeffrey Epstein’s pedophilia is what has interested the media. But his own blog, which is still active even after his death, suggests what he and his fellow elites were really interested in. He called it “cutting edge science.” It is how the global elites intend to manage our lives. They already claim credit for “rewriting our global culture.” “Jeffrey Epstein is a former member of the … [Read more...]
Coup Plotters Risk War with Russia
By: Cliff Kincaid In what was called a “strong message” to President Trump, the House of Representatives earlier this year passed the “NATO Support Act” by a vote of 357 to 22. That’s the template for what follows impeachment – voting Ukraine into NATO, provoking Russia, and sending American soldiers off to fight and die in another corrupt foreign country. The people testifying against Trump are part of … [Read more...]
Trump vs. Schiff, Soros and Socialism
Rep. Adam Schiff, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, was given a prestigious seat on the Congressional Host Committee for the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation “Triumph of Liberty” dinner last Friday in Washington, D.C. This makes Schiff look like a tough anti-communist as he proceeds with the impeachment of President Trump this week. But analyst Trevor Loudon has a long entry on Rep. Schiff … [Read more...]
Rot at the Top: the Epstein Affair and Progressive CFR Globalism
By: Cliff Kincaid The Washington Post reported in September that the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), an exclusive club of mostly Washington, D.C. and New York City insiders, “took no action” against one of its members, pedophile Jeffrey Epstein after his crimes were known. Epstein, a secretive billionaire with high-level connections in academia and government, had attended CFR events and donated … [Read more...]
How to Deep Six the Deep State
“The Revolution Will Not Be Televised” was a popular song by Gil Scott-Heron. By contrast, the Deep State Revolution against President Trump is being televised. Some of the plotters, such as Obama’s CIA director John Brennan, are paid to go on television and promote the coup. With a former top CIA official openly saying, “Thank God for the Deep State,” in regard to the process of impeaching … [Read more...]
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