This time, we needed about seventy minutes. We had much ground to cover, including a very special eight days of God's new beginnings, true initiatives from Heaven last month. Now, we are in the new spaces to which their doors opened. It is war terrain in the heavenlies and in World War III. Listen-in to God's War Room and participate in God's manifestations on His Planet Earth. This three way conversation took … [Read more...]
God’s New Works, His Peace in His War with Globalist Evil; Diana Larkin (Video)
George Floyd, Riots, Soros, Ferguson 2.0, Here We Go Again
I have been taking in all of the news the last few days and I have been able to come up with some points that I find interesting or questionable. First of all, the media is not telling us the whole story and they even have me wondering if the whole story has eluded them up to this point. Mainstream investigative journalism is dead. You have a few like James O’Keefe (Project Veritas), and John Solomon, … [Read more...]
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