The late billionaire Jeffrey Epstein’s pedophilia is what has interested the media. But his own blog, which is still active even after his death, suggests what he and his fellow elites were really interested in. He called it “cutting edge science.” It is how the global elites intend to manage our lives. They already claim credit for “rewriting our global culture.” “Jeffrey Epstein is a former member of the … [Read more...]
Mitt Romney’s Leftist, Globalist Advisor Team
We refer to the fine article in New American, by Bob Adelman, "Romney’s Advisors Are Leftist Elites," 10/10/2011, for contextual information. Below is the list he provided of Romney's team, with comments. Gulag Bound has provided fact after fact, after analysis, after warning, after plea. This list alone, should cause the reader to take to the streets, to oppose Mitt Romney. Let us oppose him, not just … [Read more...]
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