By: Lloyd Marcus Outrageously, cowardly and traitorous politicians are allowing Black Lives Matter, a racist hate group to engage in an “Everything Must Go” fire-sale against America. BLM is literally pulling down monuments and demanding that large portions of our history be removed from the records. They are burning down homes that dare fly the U.S. flag. They are taking control of portions of cities, … [Read more...]
2020 as Late 1960’s Redux, And Does China Now Fuel America’s Young Marxist Thugs?
When I was a seven year-old boy, my family had just moved into the Baptist parsonage in downtown Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, a little resort town seventy-some miles from Chicago and forty-some from Milwaukee. Early, that Summer of 1966, as I recall I caught the measles, was carried on a fold-up bed into the next door church basement for a tornado warning, received Jesus Christ as my savior during Vacation Bible School, … [Read more...]
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