A Country Within a Country: Massive Immigration’s Cultural Invasion of America

Rudy Giuliani said what most of us have known for a long time now - Barack Hussein Obama does not love America. Who transforms a country he loves? What is it that he wants to transform it into? What will "The United States" look like after this fundamental transformation? Let us revisit an article that may help explain some of what is happening. From September, 2008, James M. Simpson's "Barack Obama and the … [Read more...]

Obama’s New ‘Memorandum of Understanding’ with Mexico, Civil Rights for Whom?

With an unemployment rate of lets say 37.2% (estimates from January 2014) and many Americans unable to find work forcing them to seek some sort of government assistance, Obama thought this would be a good time for a "Memorandum of Understanding" with Mexico... well of course.... The US Equal Employment Opportunity Employment Commission, And The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of The United Mexican States [...] The … [Read more...]

Mass Alien Import: Health Care Threat Prompts GA Doctor-Congressman’s Letter to CDC

"The CDC is already aware of the problem, which means this administration is fully aware. And rather than treating and quarantining patients, then sending back to their home countries, they are preparing for a health care crisis." -------GB------- The crisis at our southern border has raised concern to Congressman Phil Gingrey of Georgia. The concerns of the congressman and medical doctor are so deep that … [Read more...]

Wildlands Project, Agenda 21, and its Future Enforcers (hardly just the #BundyRanch)

  In order to understand the rational behind what has taken place at the Bundy Ranch in Clark County, Nevada, it is vital to understand some of the mindset behind it. The United Nations now has a great deal of control over what happens in United States' land, largely but not only federal ownership and/or control.  What we are seeing is an international body now governing over many parts of the U.S. It … [Read more...]

Dividing America by Regions: 21st Century Plans in a Mutilated Nation

Unconstitutional Regionalism, Part One  Among those who research the revolutions of the Marxist-fascist lineage, there is an ongoing speculation, a puzzle being assembled. It is not so much about whether the United States of America is being intentionally demolished, but about how that is being done, what the transition entails, and what will be the results. But for decades, that puzzle has been pieced out … [Read more...]

Trans-Pacific Partnership, Agenda 21 & Redistribution of Wealth via EO & Cap & Trade

Yet another grand decision by this administration, in which the United States Congress has had no say, is the Trans-Pacific Partnership. The treaty is known as “the Trans-Pacific Partnership”, and the nations that are reported to be involved in the development of this treaty include the United States, Canada, Japan, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, Chile, Peru, Brunei, Singapore, Vietnam and Malaysia.  Opponents … [Read more...]

Obamacare Sabotage for Global Elitists: the Designed Failure of our Healthcare System

The "Affordable Care Act" or Obamacare was never designed to make healthcare more affordable or give more people access to it. It will fail, and was designed to fail. Such failure is what happens in an orchestrated plan to overwhelm the system. Even if its planners were doing it with the best of intentions, which is not the case, overhauling an entire health care system is healthcare suicide. All the evidence … [Read more...]

Marching to War Under False Pretense (Syria)

One cannot help but point out the unwavering bias this administration seems to have in regards to Syria and its support of the anti-Assad rebels. March 19 2013 a chemical weapons attack was launched by the anti-Assad rebels outside Aleppo in Syria. A UN chemical weapons team was invited in by the  Syrian government, for an inspection. The fact that the government invited them in for an inspection should say … [Read more...]

Gramsci & Frankfurt School, Quick & Dirty: Mutating Our Entire Society’s Perception of Reality

The greater Communist movement's infiltration into public policy, public office, and government is nothing new. In fact it is a much needed factor in the successful transformation of an entire society.  As Whitaker Chambers (Ex-Soviet Spy turned Soviet defector) had noted: That power to influence policy has always been the ultimate purpose of the Communist Party's infiltration. It was much more dangerous, and, … [Read more...]

START Treaty with Russia (& Iran) an Unholy Alliance Emerges

In a speech in Prague (2009) in which Obama had stated "The United States has a moral responsibility to act," a set of goals were laid out, to be achieved in 4 years. Let us first take a look at the stated goals: First, the United States will take concrete steps towards a world without nuclear weapons. To put an end to Cold War thinking, we will reduce the role of nuclear weapons in our national security strategy, … [Read more...]

The UN the US & the False Pretense of Peace

The United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki- moon has stated that, "The world is over-armed and peace is underfunded." Knowing the background of the United Nations I am assuming he thinks this is a bad idea. His is the opposite of the doctrine adopted around the time of the cold war known as "mutually assured destruction."  His idea essentially is "mutually assured peace?" Cute little vision you have there Ban-Ki. … [Read more...]

USA Losing Sovereignty to UN under Obama at Election Time

With the monitoring of some of our polling places by the United Nations, questions come to mind. Are we still a sovereign nation? Are we moving closer to a global system controlled by the United Nations, dare we say a "one world government?" Let us start by looking at this from the perspective of the organizations that are calling for the UN to monitor our polling places. We need to realize that this is a … [Read more...]

Obama’s & Bush’s EO’s Demand Transformation: US into UN Agenda 21 State

“Isn’t the only hope for this planet that the industrialized civilization collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?” - Maurice Strong, at the U.N. Rio Summit, 1992   Let us go back a bit and look at the Obama Executive Order 13514, which was signed on October 5, 2009, "Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy and Economic Performance." This sets sustainability goals for federal … [Read more...]

Obama’s Cap & Trade Executive Order: Redistribution via Agenda 21

ALERT:  also see newly released Obama video, calling for collectivism by as Dawn sees it & Arlen Williams Video, "Obama In 1998: 'I Actually Believe In Redistribution'"  Finally, in 2012, much is being made of a haltering soliliquy by Barack Obama in 1998, on the redistribution of America's wealth, the audio provided above and an excerpt shown below. ...we do have to be innovative in thinking, … [Read more...]

Getting to Know Agenda 21, One-World Government

The Bound is excited to introduce "as Dawn sees it," who will be showing us the many ways America is being infused with Agenda 21, including through the infamous Executive Orders of Barack Obama. ------------- September 10, 2012, 12:30pm CT Agenda 21 is the central manifesto of a complex and subversive United Nations strategy for either dictating to, or bypassing the governments of sovereign nations. It is … [Read more...]