With an unemployment rate of lets say 37.2% (estimates from January 2014) and many Americans unable to find work forcing them to seek some sort of government assistance, Obama thought this would be a good time for a "Memorandum of Understanding" with Mexico... well of course.... The US Equal Employment Opportunity Employment Commission, And The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of The United Mexican States [...] The … [Read more...]
7.8% Unemployment Figure Shown Phony, Jack Welch was Right
With its link, the entire article from CNBC is shown below, due to its brevity. See its video too, at their page. Stand Up America Editor’s Note – So Jack Welch supposedly joined the “conspiracy theorists” when he tweeted his doubts and blamed the Chicago thugs for cooking the books. Well, now it appears he was dead on! How can the so-called “experts” who work at the “non-partisan” Bureau of Labor Statistics … [Read more...]
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