Obama’s Cap & Trade Executive Order: Redistribution via Agenda 21

ALERT:  also see newly released Obama video, calling for collectivism by as Dawn sees it & Arlen Williams Video, "Obama In 1998: 'I Actually Believe In Redistribution'"  Finally, in 2012, much is being made of a haltering soliliquy by Barack Obama in 1998, on the redistribution of America's wealth, the audio provided above and an excerpt shown below. ...we do have to be innovative in thinking, … [Read more...]

D.S.A. Marxists Neck Deep in “Occupy” Movement

New Zeal Crossposted from Big Government: By Trevor Loudon From baking brownies to providing legal, medical and organizational support, the US’ largest Marxist group Democratic Socialists of America, and its youth wing Young Democratic Socialists,  is heavily involved in “Occupation” actions  across the country. To keep D.S.A.’s more than 6,000 members abreast of events, the organization has set … [Read more...]