Agenda 21 Treaty on the Horizon

Gulag Bulletin - See: America’s Most Critical Political Issue: Sovereignty   While liberal journalists continue to claim that Agenda 21 is just a "conspiracy theory" being advanced by right-wing crackpots, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and the International Council for Environmental Law (ICEL) have released their fourth Draft of the International Covenant on Environment … [Read more...]

Who’s Right about Agenda 21?

Gulag Bulletin - See: America’s Most Critical Political Issue: Sovereignty More and more local communities are rising up to oppose local comprehensive land use plans and local ordinances because they claim the policies contained in the documents reflect the recommendations found in the U.N.'s Agenda 21, which result in the loss of property rights and individual freedom. Consequently, proponents of … [Read more...]

It’s Democrats who ‘Created this Mess’

Democrats like to say: “The worst thing we could do is to go back to the very same policies that created this mess in the first place.” They are absolutely correct; we do not ever want to see again the policies that created the current economic mess. But we will, if Obama is re-elected. Democrats want their audiences to believe that “the very same policies” are those practiced by the Bush administration. Their … [Read more...]

A Nation Divided

Congressional Republicans refuse to consider any so-called jobs bill that contains a tax increase that penalizes the successful. The President and his Democratic allies refuse to consider any jobs bill that does not include another tax on the wealthy. This division, so vividly portrayed in Washington, reflects a division that threatens the nation. That division is amplified by thousands of people who are now … [Read more...]

Obama, Administrator in the White House, Doing the Work of Edward M. House

This article was first published in the first week of November, 2011 Click to listen to this article Barack Hussein Obama is rapidly becoming the Administrator that Colonel Edward Mandell House fantasized about in his horrible novel, Philip Dru: Administrator. Philip Dru said: "Our Constitution and our laws served us well for the first hundred years of our existence, but under the conditions of today … [Read more...]

Regional Governance: Quiet, Global Insurrection in America

  Regional Planning Brings Regional Governance Listen to this article So what's wrong with regional governance? Nothing- unless you value the republican form of government and individual freedom — and detest autocracy in all its forms. Regional governance evolved as a way to get around the obstacles presented by multiple local governments, all of which may have a stake in the region, but often disagree on … [Read more...]

The United Nations: Authoritarian Empire in ‘Progress’

The following was originally published in WorldNetDaily, Friday, October 21st How the U.N. Influences Domestic Policy click to listen to this article On Monday, October 24, everyone is supposed to honor the United Nations in celebration of its 66th birthday. A better idea would be for the United States to send an eviction notice to the U.N., and slam shut the funding door to every U.N. agency. The Department of … [Read more...]

Will the Real America Please Stand Up?

Click to listen to article America took a sharp left turn in 1912, when it elected a globalist with a strong Marxist philosophy. Woodrow Wilson, and his alter-ego, Colonel Edward Mandell House, created the League of Nations, created the Federal Reserve, created the income tax, and kicked the states out of the federal government by enacting the 17th Amendment. Conservatives turned the nation back to the right for … [Read more...]

The Transformation of Government

Click to listen to this article Where did governments — at every level — get the idea that they are supposed to manage the affairs of their citizens? Governments were first created in America to serve their citizens. Now, citizens must ask their government for permission to build a house, to drive a car, to open a business, or to buy a gun. The role and authority of government has changed over the years from an … [Read more...]

Planning 101 is American, Planning 102 is Agenda 21 is anti-American

Click to listen to this article Local governments have two fundamental responsibilities: (1) protect the rights of the citizens; and (2) provide the services the citizens authorize. To meet these responsibilities, local elected officials must look to the future and anticipate what services their citizens may want, and construct plans to meet those needs. This kind of planning will be referred to as Planning … [Read more...]

Solyndra’s Worst Problem is American Economy’s Endemic Crisis

The Solyndra Dilemma click to listen to article The political dilemma is not that surprising. Politicians can be expected to give special favors to their major contributors. Rarely are these political rewards so brazen, or so costly, as the $535 million loan guarantee given to the company whose major investor just happened to be George Kaiser, a major fund raiser for President Obama. Even more scandalous, was … [Read more...]

Thug Rule in California via ‘Nuisance Abatement Teams’

What Happened to the Constitution?  to listen click here Constitution Day is September 17th, the day many citizens celebrate the foundation upon which all American law is supposed to rest. New laws are emerging every day, however, that rest not upon the U.S. Constitution, but on a newer document called Agenda 21. The Fourth Amendment says: "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers … [Read more...]

Authoritarian Globalist: Barack Obama Does as Edward Mandel House Said

Barack Obama: Administrator   Edward Mandel House wrote a terrible novel titled "Philip Dru: Administrator." The book is a vision of how House believed government should operate. As Woodrow Wilson's "alter-ego," he did everything he could to bring about his vision during Wilson's Presidency, including the design and creation of the League of Nations. House could not have known that some 70 years after … [Read more...]

Progressive Hypocrisy

To listen to this article, click here When George Bush invaded Iraq, anti-war zealots hit the streets raising forty-leven kinds of hell: "Bush lied; people died," rang across the land. Bush acted on intelligence gathered and agreed to by the U.N., Great Britain, and virtually all U.S. allies. Bush obtained approval from Congress to take whatever action he deemed necessary. He tried, in vain, to get U.N. approval. He … [Read more...]

Obama’s Plan to Remove Family Farmers from their Land

Rural Council: It's About Control To listen to this article, click here Al Gore was beside himself when the Senate failed to ratify the Convention on Biological Diversity in 1994. Gore had spent the first two years of his Vice-Presidency developing what he called his "Ecosystem Management Policy." This new policy was nothing more than preparing the agencies of government to implement the U.N. Framework Convention … [Read more...]

Impasse in Washington: a Good Thing

Listen to this article online The impasse in Washington witnessed by the world in recent weeks is a good thing. The philosophical differences between the two political parties have prevented either party from dominating the other. Instead, the sharp points of difference have been ground blunt by contentious debate to a more palatable fit with both parties. This is precisely how the government was designed. The only … [Read more...]

Government at the Abyss

Listen to this column online There is a direct correlation between America's downward spiral and the nation's departure from adherence to the U.S. Constitution. During the first hundred years, America experienced growth and prosperity never before imagined by people who never knew what freedom was. It was a rough-and-tumble century; not everyone prospered. Many people were victimized by profit-hungry capitalists. … [Read more...]

Ecofascist Termites after our Homes & Mobility

Where's the exterminator? Listen to this column online Termites don't care whether there's a hurricane or tornado raging outside. They just keep chomping away at the foundation of their host structure. Homeowners care. When a hurricane, tornado or storms threaten, homeowners do whatever they can to prevent their home from blowing away. Rarely are they even aware that the termites are chomping away, night and day, … [Read more...]

‘Sustainable Development’ Explained

What could be bad about 'sustainability'? Listen to this column online To ordinary people, the word sustainable is an adjective that means the activity the word describes can continue forever. For example, since biblical days, farmers practiced sustainable agriculture by leaving their fields fallow every seventh year. In early America, farmers knew that for agriculture to be sustainable, the same crop could not be … [Read more...]

White House Takes Aim at Rural America by Executive Order

so·vi·et [soh-vee-et, -it, soh-vee-e] noun 1. (in the Soviet Union). a. (before the revolution) any governmental  council. b. (after the revolution) a local council, originally elected only by manual workers, with certain powers of local administration. c. (after the revolution) a higher council elected by a local council, being part of a hierarchy of soviets culminating in the Supreme Soviet. 2. any similar … [Read more...]

The Dangers of a ‘Sustainable Community’

Listen to this column online The term "sustainable community" sounds warm and fuzzy. Who could possibly oppose a sustainable community? "Sustainable" means something that lasts – or is sustained – forever. When the term is applied to "community," one might conclude that a sustainable community is one that will last forever. One who draws such a conclusion in today's world would be wrong, terribly wrong. The … [Read more...]

Platform for the 21st Century

Editor's note: Listen to this column online. Pundits, politicians, and even ordinary people are mystified by the rise of the tea parties' protest of the Democrats' agenda. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called the spontaneous uprising from the grass roots "Astroturf" – just before she lost her gavel to the Republicans. King George imposed his agenda over the objections of subjects – just before he lost both his … [Read more...]

Cloture Vote on S-510 Food Takeover Act; S-787 Water Takeover Act also in Lame Duck Congress; Contact Senators Now

BREAKING: Senate votes cloture on S 510 - must now be voted on in 60 days Reported at the People's Voice:  By a vote of 74 to 25, at noon today, the U.S. Senate voted for cloture on S 510, the Food Safety Modernization Act, which means it must now be voted on in the full Senate within 60 days. All amendments to the controversial food control bill must be completed by that time. One of S 510's supporters, … [Read more...]

Repeal Obamacare – then the 17th Amendment

Listen to this column online While there are hundreds of political parties and even more political initiatives seeking support, when all of the hoopla is stripped away, there are only two political philosophies. One philosophy embraces the notion that government is omnipotent and grants rights to individual citizens. This philosophy is demonstrated by the United Nations' Declaration of Human Rights and more … [Read more...]

The United Nations at 65

Article originally published, 10/25/2010 To listen click here October 24 is the 65th birthday of the United Nations; a great age for retirement. This institution has consistently failed to achieve the objectives for which it told the world it was created, and has just as consistently drained the coffers of developed nations under the guise of eliminating poverty and maintaining the peace. What a joke. Global … [Read more...]

The Tea Party’s Next Challenge

Listen to this column online Americans can do whatever they decide to do. Witness the politiscape littered with the careers of Democrats deposed by determined Americans who have had enough big-government socialism forced upon them. The next challenge for the tea party – and other organizations – is local and state governments that are systematically implementing freedom-robbing policies in the name of comprehensive … [Read more...]

Vote for Freedom or Government Control

To listen to this essay click here Regardless of the outcome of the mid-term elections, the nation will suffer — not from the election results — but from the lame-duck session of Congress that follows. The greater the Republican victory in the elections, the greater the damage the Democrats will do during the lame-duck session. And there is much damage to be done. Obama and the Democrats have already begun to lay … [Read more...]

Why our Republic Hangs by a Thread

Except for a brief period during the Reagan years, America has been moving steadily toward becoming a social democracy rather than the republic our founders gave us. There is a very good reason why this is happening. Since 1933, Democrats have had complete control of government – presidency, House and Senate – for 34 years. Republicans, on the other hand, have had control of government for a total of four years … [Read more...]

At All Costs Marxists

Listen to this column online The recent gathering at the Lincoln Memorial was nothing less than an enormous, nationally televised coming-out party for closet Marxists. Washington watchers have long known about the love affair between the Marxists in America and other major political forces. Here are a few of the organizations that are marching, lock-step, in support of the Democratic majority that is advancing a … [Read more...]

Feds Say Global Governance at ‘Critical Juncture’

Listen to this column online Pundits and politicians who giggle and point fingers at people who dare refer to global governance display their ignorance, or their duplicity. The U.S. National Intelligence Council, and the European Union's Institute for Security Studies has just released a report called: Global Governance 2025: At a Critical Juncture. This 82-page document discusses quite openly the current … [Read more...]