Doug Ross @ Journal By Senator Jeff Sessions I call on the American public to rally Congress against the President’s openly declared threat to implement, by executive order, the amnesty that Congress has rejected: How Congress chooses to act in the coming hours and days will determine whether the President succeeds in his plan to nullify the immigration laws of the United States. Just yesterday, TIME … [Read more...]
US Republic Now Gone – Fully Replaced by Dictatorship
I have been writing about this time for, at least, the last ten years. It has now arrived. It has occurred under Barack Hussein Obama. Those who say “Obama has now lost his political power” are either not seeing what’s going on or are willfully attempting ignorance. As predicted, Obama’s power as dictator-in-chief is on the rise and growing exponentially every day. Obama and his criminal syndicate are … [Read more...]
Obama’s & Bush’s EO’s Demand Transformation: US into UN Agenda 21 State
“Isn’t the only hope for this planet that the industrialized civilization collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?” - Maurice Strong, at the U.N. Rio Summit, 1992 Let us go back a bit and look at the Obama Executive Order 13514, which was signed on October 5, 2009, "Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy and Economic Performance." This sets sustainability goals for federal … [Read more...]
Obama’s Cap & Trade Executive Order: Redistribution via Agenda 21
ALERT: also see newly released Obama video, calling for collectivism by as Dawn sees it & Arlen Williams Video, "Obama In 1998: 'I Actually Believe In Redistribution'" Finally, in 2012, much is being made of a haltering soliliquy by Barack Obama in 1998, on the redistribution of America's wealth, the audio provided above and an excerpt shown below. ...we do have to be innovative in thinking, … [Read more...]
Making Oregon a ‘Dry State’
NoisyRoom Hat Tip: Nancy Jacques / Ask Marion Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness... Treasured guarantees from the Declaration of Independence. Except that life depends on water and in a stealth power grab of staggering scope, governments and agencies have laid claim to the very rain itself. This ties into the socialist precept that the government shall own the means of production, including the … [Read more...]
Obama Preps for a ‘Non-Emergency’ Named Iran
NoisyRoom Hat Tips: Judy W., Nancy Jacques, BB On Friday, the 16th, Obama signed a new Executive Order into being and this one's timing is very curious. Ed Morrissey (who I highly respect) of Hot Air says that it is simply a reissue of an EO that is 18 years old, that was issued in 1994 by Bill Clinton - EO (12919). I find myself mostly in agreement with Morrissey. The EO is vague and far-reaching. Basically … [Read more...]
Obama’s March 16th Executive Order; Despotism in the Guise of Emergency Preparedness
The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution do not "hang by a thread."* They are simply being put on the shelf, as our globalist, Marxofascist (putative) president and those in whatever valences and connections conspire with him, to take advantage of the emergency of the day, whatever day, whatever shall generate it, or whomever may concoct it, and not let it "go to waste." What hangs by a thread, if … [Read more...]
Executive Orders: Social Justice Executive Order Just Issued
Maggie's Notebook UPDATED – SEE BELOW. The Obama administration calls it the ‘diversity’ Executive Order, and while the EO itself doesn’t really define ‘diversity,’ we know what it means. It means Social Justice for anyone not White. How many years have we had Affirmative Action? The EO gives us another ‘council’ (think Super Committee, or ‘council’ as in Obama’s Agenda 21 Council known as the White House Rural … [Read more...]
American Stalin Obama Seizes Control of Food and Energy Production
While growing up, the last thing I would have considered or been worried about is that my country would end in my lifetime. But, that is precisely what is occurring and, recently, with more and more alacrity at the hands of US Dictator Barack Hussein Obama, his masters, his minions and the always malleable and corrupt Marxist-Leninist media who support the demise of our United States of America. Beginning by … [Read more...]
White House Takes Aim at Rural America by Executive Order
so·vi·et [soh-vee-et, -it, soh-vee-e] noun 1. (in the Soviet Union). a. (before the revolution) any governmental council. b. (after the revolution) a local council, originally elected only by manual workers, with certain powers of local administration. c. (after the revolution) a higher council elected by a local council, being part of a hierarchy of soviets culminating in the Supreme Soviet. 2. any similar … [Read more...]
The Fascist Stealth of Agenda 21
NoisyRoom I didn't even know about Agenda 21 until a couple of months ago. Did you know it has been around since 1992? It is quietly and stealthily being implemented throughout the United States and the world. And within its scope is contained some oldie but goody concerns that I have held for some time: confiscation of public lands by the government (the Wilderness Project), EPA over-regulation, … [Read more...]
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