I knew this day was coming and have even written about it in past years’ columns. It was a fait accompli when Barack Hussein Obama entered what was once our White House and only a matter of time until he implemented this Orwellian portion of his program. We are already being called racists if we object to having our country invaded by foreign entities; many of whom are diseased, many gang-banger murderers … [Read more...]
Tell the Truth About Leftist Terrorists in Memory of Larry Grathwohl
Bringing Down America July 18 marks the first anniversary of Larry Grathowhl’s untimely death. In memory of Larry – and in response to the recent Fox News programs that gave Weatherman Bill Ayers a primetime platform to lie about his acts of terrorism – we are asking that bloggers, radio folks, podcasters, and others in the media use July 18th to tell the truth about violent leftist radicals like Bill Ayers … [Read more...]
Dinesh D’Souza vs. Bill Ayers Live Streaming Tonight 7:30pm ET
TONIGHT at 7:30 p.m EASTERN you can LIVE STREAM the debate between Dinesh D'Souza and domestic TERRORIST and author of Barack Obama's book "Dreams from My Father" at this link. http://www.dineshdsouza.com/archives/news/dsouza-debate-bill-ayers-whats-great-america Related from dineshdsouza.com via Gulag: D’Souza to Debate Bill Ayers: What’s So Great About America? Bill Ayers is known for his 1960s radical … [Read more...]
SDS Founder, Tom Hayden on Participatory Democracy from Port Huron to Occupy Wall Street
NoisyRoom Hat Tip: Nancy Jacques DemocracyNow: DemocracyNow.org - We speak with Tom Hayden, principal author of the Port Huron statement 50 years ago, the founding document of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS). The statement advocated for participatory democracy and helped launch the student movement of the 1960s. Tens of thousands of copies of the 25,000-word document were printed in booklet form. The … [Read more...]
Times Takes Heat for Pro-Terrorist Article
Accuracy in Media Ilena Silverman, one of the story editors at The New York Times Magazine, is defending publication of a story urging New York Governor Andrew Cuomo to release Weather Underground terrorist Judith Clark from state prison. The article portrayed Clark, who was involved in the murders of three law enforcement officers, as a remorseful mother anxious to spend time with her daughter. She is serving … [Read more...]
New York Times Promotes Freedom for Terrorist
Accuracy in Media Sara Bennett, an attorney for convicted communist terrorist Judith Clark, is optimistic that her client will benefit from a New York Times Magazine article advocating her release from prison. “Did I think they did a good job for my client? Yes I do,” she said in a telephone interview. She said she is hoping for a meeting with New York Governor Andrew Cuomo to ask for clemency for Clark. A member … [Read more...]
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