NoisyRoom Hat Tip: Nancy Jacques DemocracyNow: - We speak with Tom Hayden, principal author of the Port Huron statement 50 years ago, the founding document of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS). The statement advocated for participatory democracy and helped launch the student movement of the 1960s. Tens of thousands of copies of the 25,000-word document were printed in booklet form. The … [Read more...]
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SDS Founder, Tom Hayden on Participatory Democracy from Port Huron to Occupy Wall Street
Filed Under: *Resisters' Log*, *Solutions*, A War - Win It, Collectivist Philosophies, Creating Class & Conflict, Homegrown Enemies of Free America, How We Got Here, Human Pathology & Societal Corruption, Investigations, Marxist Spotting, Marxofascist Strategy, Neo-Marxism Planned Mayhem, We are Gulag Bound, Weathered SDS & Comrades Tagged With: Occupy Wall Street, revolution, SDS, Tom Hayden, Weathermen & Weather Underground
Marxists Come to the Wild, Wild West

NoisyRoom Photos Courtesy of Freedom Works Well, lookie who has infiltrated my old stomping grounds - SDS! Who's a good little commie? They are! Yep, the Marxists seem to be alive and well in Reno, Nevada along with labor unions, generic Communists and anarchists. They were out in force protesting the Tea Party Express today and generally posing for the fawning media. Who by they way, seem to be there more in … [Read more...]
Filed Under: 'Anarchists', *Articles of the Bound*, *Solutions*, A War - Win It, Anti-America, Anti-Jew Anti-Israel, Barack Obama, Central Banking Planning Manipulation & Control, Collectivist Philosophies, Creating Class & Conflict, Cultural Marxism, George Soros, How We Got Here, Marxist Spotting, Marxofascist Strategy, UN Accords & Mandates Tagged With: Day(s) of Rage, Occupy Wall Street, Reno, SDS, Tea Party Express
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