Archives for September 2013

Forget the Alamo — Dallas Preps for the Apocalypse Cross-Posted by Right Wing News Hard to tell whether they fear vampires, demons, ghouls, zombies or more likely, roving bands of Tea Party patriots... This is whacked and alarming. Just what the hell, does the Dallas County Sheriff's Department need with MRAPs? They must want to serve one hell of a warrant. Fox News: The Dallas County Sheriff’s Office traveled to Fort Hood this month to acquire … [Read more...]

Shut It Down! Don’t Fear The Shutdown… Hat Tip: The Right Planet Cross-Posted at Right Wing News While Democratic Senators railed about the end of the world as we know it, evidently they felt they could take Sunday off and golf or whatever while it all burns down. They. Don't. Give. A. Crap. Life and death, but maybe I'll show up around 2 PM or so -- maybe. The Hill: "The Senate decided not to work yesterday," Boehner said in a rare … [Read more...]

You’re Invited to Hear Author and Political Activist Trevor Loudon in Howell, MI, Tues. Evening, Oct. 8th

Pacific Freedom Foundation The Brighton, Lakes Area, Rattle With Us, Retake Our Gov Tea Party and West Oakland Patriots TEA Parties invite you to meet best-selling author, Trevor Loudon, on Tuesday Evening, Oct. 8th in Howell! “The Enemies Within: Communists, Socialists and Progressives in the U.S. Congress” is like no other book written on American politics. The book exposes, in layman’s terms, the … [Read more...]

The Lapeer County Tea Party Patriots Invite You To Hear Trevor Loudon Speak on ‘The Enemies Within,’ Tues. Afternoon, Oct. 8th

Pacific Freedom Foundation Meet a modern-day Paul Revere, Trevor Loudon — author, political researcher and activist who will inspire you to take back America. Come to the book signing and hear Trevor speak! “The Enemies Within: Communists, Socialists and Progressives in the U.S. Congress” is like no other book written on American politics. The book exposes, in layman’s terms, the comprehensive communist, … [Read more...]

The Voice of Freedom SuperPAC Welcomes Author Trevor Loudon to Paw Paw, MI on Oct. 9th

Pacific Freedom Foundation Meet a modern-day Paul Revere, Trevor Loudon — author, political researcher and activist who inspires patriots to take back America! “The Enemies Within: Communists, Socialists and Progressives in the U.S. Congress” is like no other book written on American politics. The book exposes, in layman’s terms, the comprehensive communist, socialist and extreme progressive infiltration of … [Read more...]

Political Elitists Living the High Life While Americans Suffer Cross-Posted at Right Wing News Americans are struggling... no jobs, inflation that our would-be leaders deny is even there, Obamacare sucking us dry, taxes that would make King George blush... and this nightmare is just getting started. But don't you worry your pretty little head! Our esteemed leaders who have exempted themselves from Obamacare are making sure they are taken care of. Americans may … [Read more...]

Remy’s Viral Video, Resistant to Fascist Obamacare & Fascist Sebelius’ Fascist $30K Fascist Propaganda Payoff

Thirty pieces of silver There, now that the intro is all in the title, I'll just say yada yada, Reason, yada Daily Caller, yeah-yeah Breitbart, doo-wah The Blaze, doo-bop Daily Paul, "and so on, and so on, and scooby [viral] doo-bee...." It's so good, its quality soars out of sight over its subject matter. And, at least we're featuring it before the screaming goat version comes out. "Remy: Obamacare Video … [Read more...]

SE Michigan 9.12 Tea Party and Romeo Area Tea Party Welcome Author Trevor Loudon Monday Oct 7th in Shelby Twnshp

Pacific Freedom Foundation Meet modern-day Paul Revere, Trevor Loudon — author, political researcher and activist who inspires patriots to take back America! “The Enemies Within: Communists, Socialists and Progressives in the U.S. Congress” is like no other book written on American politics. The book exposes, in layman’s terms, the comprehensive communist, socialist and extreme progressive infiltration of … [Read more...]

Shut. It. Down. Cross-Posted at Right Wing News and Gateway Pundit Here it comes... the next move in the DC two step: House Republicans will vote to pass a one-year delay of Obamacare in exchange for funding the government, a plan that drastically increases the chances of a government shutdown this Tuesday. The decision was announced by the GOP leadership in a closed meeting Saturday afternoon, according … [Read more...]

Essential: Barack Obama and the Strategy of Manufactured Crisis (9-28-2008)

Five years ago, Jim Simpson informed America of the grand conspiratorial sabotage presenting Barack Obama for the United States Presidency. That is, he presented much more than we already knew, to those who were already awake, aware, alarmed, and looking for more. And we have all continued to tell those who have not been willfully, unrepentantly, and fatally ignorant.  This article also introduced to many the very … [Read more...]

Envisioning a Cruz Coalition Cross-Posted at Right Wing News CBN News: Ted Cruz alongside Rev. Rob Schenck (from Faith and Action) and Rev. Frazier White (a Democrat and Obama supporter) praying for Saeed Abedini, who has been in an Iranian prison for one year. He is being persecuted for his faith in Jesus Christ. This week, I had the honor and privilege of meeting one of my closest friends for the first time face to … [Read more...]

The Infringement of Freedom of Speech is on the Horizon Cross-Posted at Right Wing News At least Feinstein can spell 'tyranny' right. Now onto quashing the First and Second Amendments -- because that's what Marxists do. If she gets her way, bloggers and researchers can and will be hunted down and prosecuted by the thugs in our government agencies. Faster Kill Pussycat -- you'll be able to time the freedom of blogs such as this one and those that … [Read more...]

Senator Ted Cruz: a Man for the People and a Country in Extreme Jeopardy

Ted Cruz, "Congress Works for the People: #MakeDCListen"   The fear and hatred of Ted Cruz now exploding from the Left for this singularly brilliant and courageous man in the US Congress is matched and exceeded only by the patent disdain and loathing from the fearful, dull and testicularly-challenged Republican “leadership.”  The good senator is now being vilified both in Congress and by those who hold … [Read more...]

Jeff Sessions: a Patriot and an Unsung Hero Cross-Posted at Right Wing News Jeff Sessions has been someone I have admired for a very long time. I believe he is a good and principled patriot. He speaks for Americans, not to them. He's on our side on the Constitution, the economy, the military, the budget, illegal immigration and Obamacare. When almost everyone else left, Sessions stayed to support Ted Cruz. His actions speak louder than … [Read more...]

The Senate’s Leonidas Exposes the Progressive Right Cross-Posted at Right Wing News Immortals... they fail our king's test. And a man who fancies himself a god feels a very human chill crawl up his spine. -- Dilios Chris Muir at Day by Day Cartoon The other day, I linked to Bookworm Room's excellent post comparing Ted Cruz to King Leonidas of 300. And indeed, as Leonidas did, Cruz is making his stand. Not only by filibuster, but by action … [Read more...]

More Cats, Less Rats (2nd Amendment or Militarism for Chicago?)

Blasted Fool   I’ve written numerous columns illustrating the staggering lack of logic and reason within the gun control movement among liberals at large, in the media and within the Democrat party. I found it necessary to return to the topic, because I just got a super-sized example of the impaired judgment and intellectual dishonesty of gunophobes handed to me on a Silver platter by the Governor of … [Read more...]

Obama on Obamacare: ‘We did raise taxes on some things’ Cross-Posted at Right Wing News Some things?! You've got to be kidding me... This is not just a train wreck, it is an absolute horror story for each and every family in America. While the elites have made sure they have exemptions, the rest of us are going to be ground into the dust of poverty. We are about to be literally taxed to death. I feel sick -- too bad I won't be able to see a doctor … [Read more...]

The ‘Life and Death’ of Obamacare – Ted Cruz Takes a Principled Stand Cross-Posted at Right Wing News Go, Ted, go... Imagine my pride and love for this man as I got up this morning to find him still speaking -- still railing against Obamacare and the Progressives on the Left. On Tammy Bruce, I heard him read "Green Eggs and Ham" from Dr. Seuss to his daughters on the air because he was missing their bedtime. On Tuesday night, as Senator Ted Cruz (R - TX) continued … [Read more...]

Can We Even Salvage a Mind Programmed by ‘Progressive’ Psyops? Clizbe, Bezmenov Vids

As Ted Cruz' filibuster goes on... How can we even begin by now, to communicate to an Obama supporter who should know better, just how horrible is the sabotage that is Obamacare? Or for that matter, how desperately evil the Obama regime and his collectivist collaborators are, overall? Watchmen of America and Patriots' Resistance Network Radio colleagues, Denise and Bobbi, Gulag Bound dissident author, … [Read more...]

Will New York Elect a Progressive Marxist? Cross-Posted at Right Wing News NYT/Marquette University Archives: Bill de Blasio with Katharine Lewis at a news conference in 1988 held by the Quixote Center, a social justice group, to announce a $150,000 shipment of supplies to Nicaragua and to deride the United States’ financing of the contra rebellion. What does it say about a major city when the candidates for the Democratic Party are … [Read more...]

CAIR has Changed Its Name to… Wait for it… WTF! That’s right, the terrorist-sponsoring Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation Trial, FBI “consultants” and promoters of Obama’s Muslim Brotherhood BFFs, just changed their name to the Washington Trust Foundation. WTF? Or perhaps more to the point, WHY? An explosive story posted Sunday by Charles Johnson at the Daily Caller … [Read more...]

Cruzing for a Bruising on Obamacare Cross-Posted at Right Wing News Nothing like a pack of Progressive Republican weasels... Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and Senate Minority Whip John Cornyn are going after Ted Cruz with a vengeance. At least it is becoming clearer and clearer to real Conservatives just who their enemies are on both sides of the aisle. From Breitbart: "Right now in the Senate, Mitch McConnell and John … [Read more...]

Beware a New ‘Third Way’ via Corrupt Democrats, Aided by Robert Reich’s ‘Inequality for All’

They will be trying to pull a Clinton again, with Robert Reich's help, it seems. From the looks of his Inequality for All campaign, Reich is working on the new attempt to preserve collectivist control of America, via the hopelessly despotic Democratic Party and its central bank complex's puppet strings, despite the devastation of its more obviously neo-Marxist Obamunists. In so doing, they will be trying to … [Read more...]

Outing the Progressive Republicans Attacking Cruz; Palin Weighs In Cross-Posted at Right Wing News Palin is right... time to cowboy up and out the Progressives on the Right who are targeting Ted Cruz. Weasels all. The Blaze: After “Fox News Sunday” host Chris Wallace revealed that GOP leaders had contacted him with opposition research on Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) ahead of Cruz’ appearance on the show, at least a couple of conservatives opined Sunday that Wallace … [Read more...]

Tea Party vs. Progressives on Obamacare Cross-Posted at Right Wing News and Gateway Pundit You can blend in or blend out -- the Tea Party chooses to take a stand and blend out. Leading the fray is Ted Cruz. Sarah Palin has written a kick butt article on Cruz Control. Take a moment and smell the tea: More and more Americans are waking up to the nightmare of Obamacare as its rollout continues. Hardworking families are losing their … [Read more...]

Parent Arrested from Common Core Meeting for Speaking Out of Turn Cross-Posted at Right Wing News and Gateway Pundit Robert Small was arrested for speaking out of turn at an MSDE-sponsored informational meeting on Common Core, the new federal curriculum for Maryland schools. Robert Small: He said: “I want to know how many parents here are aware that the goal of the Common Core standards isn’t to prepare kids for full-fledged universities, it’s to prepare … [Read more...]

Dawn of the Drone Wars Cross-Posted at Right Wing News and Gateway Pundit China has been quietly and aggressively going after drone technology. Between drones and space warfare such as the ability to kill satellites, China is preparing heavily for confrontation with the US. They join a new axis of evil with Russia and Iran and the atomic clock is ticking. From The New York Times: BEIJING — For almost two years, … [Read more...]

Another Evil Progressive Gets Away With Death Threats Cross-Posted at Right Wing News NY Daily News Allan Brauer, the Communications Chair of the Democratic Party of Sacramento County, spouted death threats at the children of Ted Cruz's speechwriter today all over defunding Obamacare. Brauer is the scum of the earth... he's just plain evil. But I suppose, it is just another perk of being Progressive. Apology not accepted by the way - at least by … [Read more...]