Will the Investigations Include the Unmasking Scandal?

By: Denise Simon | Founders Code 2016: Primer Could it be that the Obama White House called for a favor from the Washington Post to help with this? The Obama White House used media as a historic art form including selling the bad Iran nuclear deal. Anyway… The operatives needed to have the list of names first and Trump shared some names that included Whalid Phares, Joe Schmitz, and Carter … [Read more...]

Media Embrace Obama’s Controversial Picks for National Security Team

Accuracy in Media The mainstream media have embraced President Obama’s recent national security team picks either by omitting key information about the nominee or, in the case of Susan Rice, by miscasting the controversy as one of Republican outrage, rather than lies about Benghazi. Republican partisans aren’t the only ones outraged about Benghazi and the lies told thereafter: lots of average Americans are … [Read more...]

Benghazi: Hillary Clinton Talked (sort of, through foreign media)

Get essential information on Benghazi that one may find assembled and analyzed in few if any other places, at the Gulag Bound tag: Benghazi. Hillary has blood on her hands, has lawyered up -- and is using foreign media sources to make her case. In the Daily Mail, on October 9, one day before the House Oversight Committee's Wednesday hearing -- before the shell shut and no further pearls were offered: The … [Read more...]

Did Barack Obama’s Ideology & Incompetence Lead to Benghazi Deaths?

NoisyRoom By: Jeffrey Klein Political Buzz Examiner Both President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton have been backed into a very uncomfortable and public corner, which may have no exit--after a stunning revelation regarding what was known, when, and by whom in the Obama Administration, regarding the 'terrorist attack' on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya. Yesterday afternoon, … [Read more...]

Spooks in the Machine Speak Up

NoisyRoom Obama's terrorist chickens are coming home to roost. And while Rice tries to blame the intelligence community on the Benghazi atrocity, agents are telling a different tale that has the ring of truth. Something that our current administration shuns at every available opportunity. Behold the blame game: "Elements of the intelligence community apparently told the administration within hours of the … [Read more...]