OWS & Democratic Socialists of America Push for Transaction Tax (not just Herman Cain)

Trevor Loudon has introduced us to Marxist Maria Svart of Democratic Socialists of America (DSA). When you think "democratic socialist" think of the insidious, creeping and clutching gradualist, Fabianist, structural Marxism of Gramsci, Trotsky, the Frankfurt school -- and by now, most of America's Democratic Party and much of the influences upon the GOP, too. Many have warned about the governmental control … [Read more...]

The Svart New Face of US Socialism

By: Trevor Loudon New Zeal Maria Svart The U.S.’ largest Marxist organization, Democratic Socialists of America, has a new National director – Maria Svart. At 31 years old, Brooklyn resident Svart, is probably the youngest National Director in the organization’s nearly 30 year history. She succeeded Frank Llewellyn who announced earlier that year that he was stepping down after ten years. Maria … [Read more...]