Despotism You get what you pay for Here's some taxation, With a representation, Of the ugly it gets, Throughout the nation. SRV crashed into Wisconsin and died. Sensible residents of the state empathize. … [Read more...]
Rand Paul’s CPAC Speech & Our Tax Money to Terrorists (video)
Sen. Rand Paul called out the politicos of D.C. again today, for funding hostile nations abroad, "I say not one penny more to countries that are burning our flag." Here is a look back, at some of the evils that our money is confiscated by taxes to fund: "What is the Cost to American Families, of Aid to Islamist Nations?" - September 29, 2012, And below is Senator Paul's speech at … [Read more...]
What is the Cost to American Families, of Aid to Islamist Nations?
by Ronald Solomon, @OhSuzyQz, & Arlen Williams This article includes a few videos and here is one to start us off, for those who like a little music with their reading,What's that at its end, about respecting people's private property? What is the cost of subsidizing Islamic countries that hate us? The average median income for a family of four in the United States is $51,000.00. Such a family … [Read more...]
Romneycare-Obamacare-Robertscare’s Titanic 2013+ Taxation
Word is out, Barry Soetoro (some call him President Obama, he thinks of himself as "Citizen of the World") intends to extend the George W. Bush tax cuts, but only for individuals making less than $250,000 in the name of "tax fairness," as redistributive, Marxian logic presents. It remains to be seen what the effect would be, upon small businesses making over $250,000 in taxable income. Just in time for his … [Read more...]
Confessions of a Racist
NoisyRoom By: Citizen Scribe Hi, my name is Scribe, and I'm a racist. I'm a racist because I oppose high taxes. I'm a racist because I believe that the government should not control private businesses or private lives. I'm a racist because I believe in the greatness of America, despite the blunders of those who govern her. I'm a racist because I believe in the conservation of the Constitution. I'm … [Read more...]
Documented: Gingrich Really Did Save the Reagan Revolution
From the fine forum at (a name that may always cause me to cringe, I confess) posted in its entirety with an invitation to go see it: Oh MY!! Gingrich Really Did Save Reagan Revolution! Posted by quill67 Tuesday, January 31st at 5:58PM EST 2 Comments Recommenders: finallyhadenuff, Finrod, clowngirl, andystone, Black River Wolf Brian Domitrovic author of econoclasts who claims to … [Read more...]
Pelosi: The Rich Won’t Pay Taxes Because They Want to be Immortal
NoisyRoom From: NakedEmperorNews Nancy's Crazy Class War Conspiracies: The Rich Wont Pay Taxes Because They Want To Be Immortal, GOP Hates Kids & Keeps Wages Low to Force People To Pay Bank Fees … [Read more...]
GOP Tax Deal Proves Republicans Haven’t Learned Anything
Nothing changes so much as it stays the same. The Democrats continue to be relentless in their determination to destroy this country, and Republicans, despite just coming off an historic electoral victory nationwide, still don’t get it. It would be impossible to imagine under normal circumstances that Democrats in Congress, having gone through what they have for the past two years, do not yet have their facts … [Read more...]
Dear Fellow Conservatives, I Can Not Support this Bill, Respectfully Jim DeMint
$200,000,000,000.00 more for the sabotage and treason of the failed state strategy Found at PRonline News: Dear Fellow Conservatives: Many of you have contacted me about the bipartisan tax deal reached between President Obama and Republican leaders. I’ve carefully reviewed the legislation and I wanted to explain to you why I cannot support it. First, I do not want to see anyone’s taxes go up and I have … [Read more...]
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