Riots in Spain

New Zeal

Kremlin propaganda channel Russia Today covers riots in Spain.

At least 76 people have been injured in Madrid as clashes flared up between protesters and police, the latter using rubber bullets. Thousands of Spanish anarchists, communists and labor unionists turned out against new austerity measures introduced by the Socialist government.


  1. Expect to see this in your town pretty soon. Either right before the elections or right after, in particular if Obama loses.

  2. Expect it if Obama wins….

  3. Plain Old American says

    The nation is a divided more than it has been since the war between the states. Sometime before the election there is going to be a spark………

  4. I have been there, in Madrid and this is the f****** riots and it is what the Spanish goverment and the European Comunity Economic give to us, police batons and jobs cut…

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