Law of the Sea Treaty, Senate Hearing, Video, Kerry’s Upshot

Gulag Bulletin: One more update is planned for this particular entry, with our further findings and comments. This is yesterday's hearing of the U.S. Senate's Committee on Foreign Relations, regarding approval or rejection of the U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea Treaty (UNCLOS/LOST). Thank you, Heather. From C-SPAN, yesterday, May 23rd   Caption at C-SPAN: Secretaries Clinton and Panetta and … [Read more...]

Frank Gaffney Unloads on LOST, Trent Lott, Shell Oil & a False ‘American Sovereignty Campaign’

Have you contacted your U.S. Senators yet? And since we have a distinct interest in not only this preeminently important matter of Sovereignty, but also the use of any names with the words "Sovereignty Campaign" in them, we are eager to relay this. From the Center for Security Policy: False Flag Operation on L.O.S.T. Center for Security Policy | May 14, 2012 By Frank Gaffney, Jr. Here we go again: The … [Read more...]

MARITIME ATTACK: Law of the Sea Treaty in US Senate for Approval

Call to Action Contributors: volunteer activists of the Sovereignty Campaign - @SovCam The U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs is once again diddling with the ultra-massive U.S. sovereignty and communitarian wealth giveaways known as the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea Treaty (UNCLOS or LOST).  Whenever one sees "communitarian," one may think "global communist." Neo-Marxist Saboteur … [Read more...]

The 4 America-Betraying Treaties Obama is Poised to Sign

Gulag Bulletin 4/29/2012: See the Sovereignty Campaign, Exploratory Committee (@SovCam) for a new initiative to protect our national sovereignty by vetting candidates for the US Sentate and House of Representatives. Nice Deb Republished with thanks, by permission, from February, 3, 2012 Could Obama really be on the verge of making our worst conspiracy theory nightmares about a “new world order” come … [Read more...]

‘Obama is Betraying America!’ Dick Morris on 4 UN Treaties

Video, "Obama is Betraying America! Dick Morris TV: Lunch ALERT!" 2/1/2012 Caption by dickmorrisreports: As his Administration enters its last year, he is about to sign four treaties which surrender our sovereignty, enact gun control, cede the power to go to war to the U.N., and tell us how to raise our children It is of our core thesis at Gulag Bound that the American Sovereignties are being warred … [Read more...]

Media Prepare Russian Treaty Trap for the U.S.

“In a multinational race to seize the potential riches of the formerly icebound Arctic, being laid bare by global warming, Russia is the early favorite.” So says the Christian Science Monitor. “At stake is an estimated one-quarter of all the world’s untapped hydrocarbon reserves, abundant fisheries, and a freshly opened route that will cut nearly a third off the shipping time from Asia to Europe.” What the paper … [Read more...]

US House Puts Oceans, Coasts Under UN: Senate Vote will Seal the Deal

by Carmen Reynolds, Paul McKain and Karen Schoen originally published at on September 21, 2010 It’s too late; it’ll just have to be stopped in the Senate,” Tom, the young male answering the phone in U.S. Rep. John Boehner’s  (R-Ohio)Washington D.C. office, said about HR 3534 (CLEAR Act). This is the globalist bill designed to give away our land, oceans, adjacent land masses and Great Lakes to an … [Read more...]

National Ocean Council & Executive Order 13547; Obama’s Latest Assault on Liberty

President Obama's Executive Order 13547, issued July 19, further extends federal power, embraces global governance, diminishes the rights and privileges of individuals and brings the United States into compliance with  Agenda 21, Chapter 17.6, which says: Each coastal State should consider establishing, or where necessary strengthening, appropriate coordinating mechanisms (such as a high-level policy planning body) … [Read more...]

Law of the Sea Treaty to be Forced by Obama Executive Order & CLEAR Bill, Reports MORPHcity

Confirmed?  Update: Yes, the Executive Order happened -- and Cassandra Anderson's research appears exquisite.  If you have further information, please comment. This article by Cassandra Anderson in MORPHcity begins as follows: National Ocean Council By Cassandra Anderson July 28, 2010 Thirty states will be encroached upon by Obama's Executive Order establishing the National Ocean Council for control over … [Read more...]

New START & Obama’s Mysterious Trip to Russia

When 2008 GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney attacked President Obama’s new arms treaty with Russia as a dangerous trap, Republican Senator Richard Lugar came to the defense of the Democratic president and attacked Romney as “misinformed.” But Lugar’s desperate effort to save Obama’s controversial treaty, whose passage has been badly damaged by revelations of Russian spying, doesn’t come as much of a surprise. … [Read more...]