Nations will be Nations: ‘Euro Zone Fragmenting Faster than EU can Act’

Spain is likely to do the trick. The jolt from that nation's banking collapse is about to "tilt" the rickety EU pinball game, as the score of debt is racked up higher and higher. This is no time to be in debt, personally. Prepare for the tsunami from the seismic shift across the Atlantic. And here we've been told (at least since 1913) that central banking prevents collapses -- well, for the central banksters, that … [Read more...]

The Funny Things to Know, Surrounding the New Fix for Greece

So Greece now has a new Prime Minister and its solution is supposedly coming down. But what kind of solution? Let us examine some facts, plus some items purported as fact which we need to track down. Lucas Papademos was educated at MIT, was the governor of Greece's central bank and was vice president of the European Central Bank (ECB). And now it is rumored that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) may … [Read more...]