Barack Obama, the CIA… AND the Communists

This is that really memorable moment of truth in the movie, Chinatown, where Barack Obama is revealed. In this scene, Washington D.C. is being brutally interrogated by an outraged John Q. Public, P.I. No time to eat popcorn though. It goes by fast.

“He’s CIA.” (Slap!)

“I said I want the truth!”

“He’s Communist.” (Slap!)  “He’s CIA.” (Slap!)  “He’s Communist, he’s CIA.” (Slap! Cry of pain. Slap!)

“I said I want the truth!” (Crash.)

(Cry of pain.)  “HE’S COMMUNIST AND CIA!”  (Weeping.)

I have tended to let others do the Obamology, especially since letting my blog, Investigating Obama fly mostly on autopilot, after taking on the publishing of this Gulag Bound Webzine. But along with his obvious Marxism, the hypothesis that Obama has been protected by,  has even worked with and for United States intelligence, has also played on my mind since the beginnings of his putatively presidential term.

The incestuous liaisons, of various entities and individuals of American intelligence agencies, with leftist, statist, and globalist politicians, and corrupt anti-American financiers and foundations – also their adulterous relations with the United Nations, transnational NGO’s, corrupt transnational corporations, and foreign intelligence apparatuses (including but not limited to the KGB) – have been documented in numerous places, some of it in Gulag Bound. Books have been written and more could be added.

The following two videos came under my nose in close succession yesterday. I think it is high time their messages be put together.

Dear Cliff and Trevor,

I know you have been skeptical of Wayne Madsen and his research, in large part due to his own leftist family history.

I think it would be good to look more carefully into this and it is likely you will find Wayne Madsen more right than wrong about Barack Obama and the CIA. There has been simply too much protecting, scrubbing, and falsifying of records going on and it began in earnest well before his presidency. There are also too many close associations, for this to be dismissed.

Add to this, the signature of the massive pressure put upon the U.S. news media, not to publish the problematic facts and mysteries of Obama’s identity and development, but to instead, where put on the spot, ridicule efforts to expose them.

As you know, U.S. intelligence has been a battleground of patriots vs. globalist, Jacobin statists, from at least the days of Wilson. Operation Paperclip hardly helped, nor the subsuming work of the Department of Homeland Security (“Homeland” as distinct from “National”). And now we have Global Governance 2025, to show who has been winning that hushed warfare within our own intelligence “services.”

We understand the eagerness and ambition of Alex Jones and some of the leanings of Madsen, but you may want to take another look, beginning with this interview. It is presented in three YouTube segments; please be patient to get past the first.

Respectfully yours,


As for the video I happened to notice just after the above, consider something else many have known: that not only has Barack Obama been presented us for the U.S. Presidency, but at least two other heavily Communist-tainted candidates before him, John Kerry and Bill Clinton.

Video from Noisy Room

Where do we go now?


We do not endorse all the conclusions or statements of either Madsen or Jones, nor all the behavior of Beck.




    Brietbart Goes Full Birther (while pretending not to)

    See this article!

    The Vetting – Exclusive – Obama’s Literary Agent in 1991 Booklet: ‘Born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii’

  2. The people who do not already know the Usurper isn’t constitutionally qualified are simply ready to see him lose at the polls. The ones who do not wanna know wouldn’t see why we have such a restriction anyway, and frankly think the Constitution is as meaningless as any party convention’s campaign platform. Either way we will give BHO his mulligan but hopefully vote him out decisively. Too bad his replacement is no great antidote.

  3. it all makes perfect sense. I think this is the correct analysis of why/how obama has been allowed to get away with usurping the office. Readers, send this article to all you know.

  4. To understand how these things could occur, one should understand the histories of the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations, also the history of the CIA with Muslim Brotherhood.

  5. The video not available anymore is from Alex Jones and if I recall correctly, covers some of the same subject matter brought up in Glenn Beck’s video. (Hm, maybe I should download THAT one.)


  1. […] Another factor upon which many including myself have speculated is the corruption of the arms of United States Intelligence by it’s globalist influences, including its linkages to the Rockefeller and Ford Foundations and the vast resources of central bank corrupted money they represent — even its insinuation of fascists from Germany by Operation Paperclip after World War II. […]

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