China’s Secret Pandemic Plan: Murder 200 Million Americans by Biowarfare

Jim Simpson for Congress In light of the coronavirus crisis, author, columnist and national security expert J.R. Nyquist recently republished a secret speech given by Chinese general Chi Haotian somewhere around 2002 -- the exact date isn't known -- to senior members of the Chinese Communist Party. In the speech, Chi describes how China's population growth cannot be contained within the borders of China. This, and … [Read more...]

Globalists Using COVID-19 to Usher UN Agenda 2030 ‘Brave New World’ Ten Years Ahead of Schedule

Leo Hohmann | Bill Gates, left, NIH director Dr. Francis Collins and NIAID director Dr. Anthony Fauci at a 2017 Gates Foundation global health workshop on topics that included vaccine research It’s time for all true patriots to take a stand,or risk being led blindly into a new dark age. When Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, also known as AOC, rewrote the United Nations’ Sustainable … [Read more...]

Diana West on #ImpeachTrump: Doomsdays of the Endgame, Part 1

This and more at This week, the towering anti-communist dissident Vladimir Bukovsky was laid to rest in a London cemetery. In Washington, American democracy threw dirt on itself. Impervious to the irony, the Democrats of the House of Representatives staged another fake impeachment "show trial" in its coup like no other to thwart the anti-communist will of the American electorate that sent Donald … [Read more...]

The Communists Killed Kennedy

Accuracy in Media   Former CIA officer Brian Latell’s new book, Castro’s Secrets, includes the revelation that Fidel Castro knew Lee Harvey Oswald was going to kill President Kennedy. The book deserves far more attention that it has received and adds to an existing body of evidence that Castro not only had foreknowledge of the plot to kill JFK but was actually behind it, most likely with Soviet … [Read more...]

Barack Obama, the CIA… AND the Communists

  This is that really memorable moment of truth in the movie, Chinatown, where Barack Obama is revealed. In this scene, Washington D.C. is being brutally interrogated by an outraged John Q. Public, P.I. No time to eat popcorn though. It goes by fast. "He's CIA." (Slap!) "I said I want the truth!" "He's Communist." (Slap!)  "He's CIA." (Slap!)  "He's Communist, he's CIA." … [Read more...]

Cultural Marxism: The Doom of Language

by Robert F. Beaudine The Moral Liberal  “Every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment. For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.” Throughout history, ideas have been used for good or for evil. They have also led to the greatest evil – war. This is reflective in a nation’s language. By the end of 1932, Germany was in … [Read more...]

Whittaker Chambers, Alger Hiss, and Panettagate

New Zeal By: Cliff Kincaid, Accuracy in Media Whittaker Chambers On the 50th anniversary of Whittaker Chambers’ death, July 9, it is appropriate for the media to address the legacy of international communism and the Western response. Andrew G. Bostom has written a thoughtful essay, “Whittaker Chambers, Communism, and Islam,” which examines how radical Islam is a threat comparable in its external and internal … [Read more...]

Gulag Night: Trevor Loudon on Leon Panetta’s Communist Collaboration, Streaming

Gulag Night - Monday, June 27, 10pm ET stream online or call 310-807-5060 to listen (questions are invited).  Edit: you may listen through this player: Trevor Loudon on Leon Panetta Trevor Loudon, world-leading researcher, revealer, and expositor of Marxist subterfuge, spells out the evidence that Leon Panetta, former CIA Director and our new Secretary of Defense is a Communist collaborator. Hosts: Arlen … [Read more...]

Final Hour Appeal: Let Senators Know we Know about Panetta

Dear Friend of America's Survival: The full Senate votes today on Leon Panetta to be Secretary of Defense. Please call your Senators at 202-224-3121 to oppose the Panetta nomination. Former FBI agent Max Noel once told me that the Bureau used to investigate candidates for federal employment by analyzing Character, Associates, Reputation, and Loyalty to the United States. The first letters in those words make up … [Read more...]

Panetta Report 4: Leon Panetta’s Communist Friend and the Chinese Spy

New Zeal Panetta Report 3 here. Hugh DeLacy, 1940s From at least the mid-1970s until 1986, President Barack Obama‘s nomination for Secretary of Defense, Leon Panetta, had a close personal friendship with Hugh DeLacy, a Santa Cruz, California activist and a life long Marxist-Leninist. Then Congressman Panetta and DeLacy exchanged letters over many years – almost all of which dealt with defense and … [Read more...]

Panetta Report 3: Leon Panetta and the Santa Cruz Socialists

New Zeal Panetta Report 2 here. It is now fairly well known that President Barack Obama enjoyed a close relationship with the socialists, Trotskyites and “former” communists, who made up the Chicago Democratic Socialists of America. It is less well known that while a California Congressman, Obama’s Secretary of Defense nominee Leon Panetta also worked closely with Santa Cruz based members of the US’s … [Read more...]

Panetta Report 2: Leon Panetta Paid Tribute to Pro-Communist Peace Activist

New Zeal Panetta Report 1 here. Leon Panetta While a Southern California based congressman in the 1970s and ’80s, CIA director and Obama Secretary of Defense nominee Leon Panetta, was close to a pro-communist, Santa Cruz based “peace activist” named Lucy Haessler. In spite (or perhaps because of) Haessler’s involvement with the Women’s International Democratic Federation, Panetta placed a tribute in … [Read more...]

Kincaid and Loudon Discuss Panetta’s Communist Ties

New Zeal Cliff Kincaid and Trevor Loudon lay out some of their case against Obama Secretary of Defense nominee Leon Panetta. Please view this video. If you agree with it, please send it to every contact you can. Panetta’s nomination must be stopped. … [Read more...]

Panetta Report 1: Leon Panetta Paid Tribute to Two Longtime Communists

New Zeal Leon Panetta In 1983, then Congressman, Leon Panetta, placed a tribute in the Congressional Record to two of his Santa Cruz, California constituents. The couple, Hugh DeLacy and his wife Dorothy Baskin DeLacy, both had long histories with the Communist Party USA, and were very active in the Santa Cruz "progressive" movement that had helped nurture Congressman Panetta’s career. Phrases like … [Read more...]

Panetta Nomination Can Be, Must Be Stopped

New Zeal From Cliff Kincaid of America’s Survival: We are planning to release more sensational details about CIA director Leon Panetta’s relationship with Communist Hugh DeLacy, himself linked to a communist spy ring. The Panetta story could be just as big as Alger Hiss. But we need conservative Senators to raise a ruckus. Otherwise, his nomination as Defense Secretary could sail through on Tuesday. In a … [Read more...]

Leon Panetta Obama’s CIA Director Linked to Communist Spies

New Zeal Appointment hearing scheduled for Thursday New research from writers and researchers Trevor Loudon and Cliff Kincaid shows that Leon Panetta, the CIA director being considered on Thursday for the position of Secretary of Defense, had a previously undisclosed personal and friendly relationship with Hugh DeLacy, a prominent member of the Communist Party USA. DeLacy visited such countries as China and … [Read more...]