Alinskyism in the US Catholic Church

  Alinskyism and socialism have penetrated all the US mainstream churches. Here's an excellent lecture on the infiltration and Alinsky inspired subversion inside the American Catholic Church. Congratulations to these people for taking on the corruption inside their own institution.   video, Michael Voris, "The CCHD and Saul Alinsky" … [Read more...]

Nice Christian Boy Goes Bad, Admits Obama Joined Radical Party, Wants to Fight Glenn Beck – Curious Yet?

The graphic in this post and the text below comes from an allegedly Christian Blog, The New Methodists; A blog about being United Methodist, missional, emergent, and midwestern. Plus other stuff too! The author Mike Oles does not like Glenn Beck one iota, but does seem respect him as the worthy adversary he is. He also can't spell his Beck's name consistently. From the New Methodist March 12, 2010; Why … [Read more...]