Media Matters is for (Gay) Lovers

As if it were not already obvious, the Media Matters group, funded by George Soros, is now out of the closet. Media Matters has created a new “LGBT-specific project” that is called Equality Matters. For those not up to date with the various sexual orientations and preferences that are in favor with the liberal media, LGBT stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender.

This development has delighted the liberal media, which are always looking for allies to advance the liberal, pro-gay agenda. Expressing satisfaction with the new project coming out of the “liberal media watchdog group,” the New York Times noted that Media Matters depends on some “wealthy liberal donors” and “gay philanthropists” and has “staked its claim in Washington punditry with aggressive attacks on Fox News and conservative commentators like Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck.”

The only “gay philanthropist” named in the piece was James Hormel, the grandson of George A. Hormel, founder of Hormel Foods, and who was identified by the Times as an ambassador to Luxembourg under President Clinton. The Times failed to note that the Catholic League called Hormel an “anti-Catholic bigot” for refusing to disassociate himself from the anti-Catholic group, the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, which expresses its opposition to Catholic teaching that homosexuality is immoral and disordered by mocking Catholic Nuns.

The Washington Blade, a gay newspaper, was also enthusiastic about Equality Matters, saying,  “We have gone way too long without a coherent and immediate response to the often false and derogatory messages about the gay community, and what they call our agenda, from the likes of Fox News, Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck.”

Not surprisingly, grassroots pro-family groups like Mass Resistance and Americans for Truth have been targets as well. Because they are effective, they get labeled as “hate groups” by the Southern Poverty Law Center, a discredited organization with questionable methods of financing that is considered a reliable source by Media Matters.

Barney Frank, Marxofascist handyman

The Blade is the newspaper that Rep. Barney Frank perused for a prostitution ad for a “hot bottom.” The prostitute he hired, Stephen Gobie, turned Frank’s apartment into a headquarters for a prostitution ring. Frank was reprimanded by the House for using his congressional office to do favors for Gobie. Frank later acquired a new “partner,” busted for growing marijuana that Frank said he knew nothing about.

Media Matters founder David Brock is a one-time conservative who sniffed around Bill Clinton’s private life, writing about “Troopergate” and other scandals. This scandal involved Clinton, as Arkansas Governor, using State Troopers to procure women for his sexual desires. Clinton didn’t learn his lesson and, as President, was caught lying by Special Prosecutor Kenneth Starr about having sexual relations with a White House intern, Monica Lewinsky, young enough to be his daughter. The disgraced President continues to be a major Democratic Party fundraiser and his wife’s presidential campaign donors were early financiers of Media Matters. This generated the moniker for Brock as “Hillary’s Hit Man.”

David Brock on right

Brock, however, had personal problems of his own. He decided to defect and become a liberal when his gay lifestyle became too much of an open secret. Believing this transformation gives him some degree of credibility in left-wing circles, Hormel—and more recently George Soros—pay him millions to generate anti-conservative propaganda. Soros was described by the Times as just “the liberal donor” while Glenn Beck has led the way in highlighting the billionaire’s ability and intention to remake America and the world. This is why Media Matters is determined to silence Beck.

David Brock, photo: Cal Alumni Pride (Berkeley)

In order to more vigorously promote acceptance of the gay lifestyle, including gay marriage, Brock has hired Richard Socarides as president of the new Equality Matters group, with Kerry Eleveld, the Washington Correspondent for The Advocate, as the editor. She just interviewed Obama, pressing him on the need to go further to pander to the movement. Hence, more advocacy “journalism” will be the stock in trade of Equality Matters.

The “journalism” of these character assassins has always been questionable. Media Matters describes itself as “a Web-based, not-for-profit, 501(c)(3) progressive research and information center dedicated to comprehensively monitoring, analyzing, and correcting conservative misinformation in the U.S. media.” But with the creation of Equality Matters, the group has shelved any notion of being a media watchdog organization. It is now an official mouthpiece of the homosexual rights movement. The media should not pretend otherwise.

Cliff Kincaid is the Editor of Accuracy in Media, and may be contacted at  Mr. Kincaid also administrates the site, America’s Survival, where he further documents the war brought on our nation by the powerful and subversive Marxist/globalist axis.

Images added by Gulag Bound

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