See these Gulag entries, by Swedish Citizen journalist, Ulf Erlingsson.
A Totalitarian Christmas Gift: Merry Chavismo, Venezuela!
December 25, 2010
Venezuelan Students Vow to Depose Chávez, ‘At Any Cost’
December 28, 2010
Late Sunday night, we began to see sketchy reports from individuals that farmers in the region of Sur del Lago, Venezuela were being attacked by Venezuelan as well as foreign military, all directed by Hugo Chavez.
Initial and unconfirmed reports allege that fellow perpetrators are Cubans, thugs from the drug cartel FARC, and even Hezbollah, all there for the action.
This seems to be a crackdown on elements of the Venezuelan populace which opposed Hugo Chavez in the recent Venezuelan election. The blog, Venezuelan News and Views puts it this way: “Sur del Lago people are resisting. The legislative assembly of the state moved down there to seat, the representatives elect are stirring the pot, the regime sent a Cuban general!”
Twitter tweets which have been reporting these events have used hashtags: #SOSinternetVE, #SurdelLago, and #Venezuela.
It was reported that up to 47 farms have been taken by Marxist forces. Is it the official Venezuelan military? Just who if any, are assisting them? Here are a few tweets:
Hugo Chavez initiates Dictatorship by Confiscating Dairy and Cattle farms in #SurdelLago #Venezuela #TCOT pls RT
The Venezuelan regime wants to take over productive lands in Zulia State to hand them over to the Russians for banana production. #Venezuela
eralmoncada December 20th, and the majority of #Venezuela is in PROTEST and RIOTS!!! People’s sick of Chávez and his government! We want freedom!
See the tanks in front of the hacienda Peonies (video) http://bit.ly/hO8UKJ #surdellago #Venezuela
Here is that video:
Another said that the media in Venezuela has been completely closed and that Twitter is the only way they can get the word out.
Further coverage is being monitored at http://www.ruedalo.org.
For background on the gradual communist revolution of Venezuela, the one the Marxstream media in America does not present, we suggest a recent report by an American communist organizer raised by Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn: Chesa Boudin. Here, in March of this year, he reported about the “Bolivarism” revolution taking place there, led by friend and comrade of Ayers and Boudin, Hugo Chavez: http://www.archive.org/details/Venezuela_March07_Boudin.

Bill Ayers, Chesa Boudin, & Luis Bonilla-Molina, under portrait of mass murder for the communist state, Cuban, Che' Guevara
It should be noted that Chesa Bodin is a child of Ayers’ fellow Weathermen, criminals David Gilbert and Kathy Boudin, also grand nephew of communist organizer in America of a century ago, Louis B. Boudianoff (Boudin). After Chesa left the Ayers/Dohrn household for Oxford on a Rhodes Scholarship (he was also one of the very first class of Goldman Sach’s Global Scholars) he became an intern working for Hugo Chavez.
We hope to provide further information soon.
Two articles which may provide further background:
- in La Patilla, “Así protestaron en el Sur del Lago (Fotos),” December 18, 2010
- in The Hindu, “Venezuela’s oil sector troubles revealed: WikiLeaks,” December 10, 2010

report by Tallulah Starr, CJ in TX, & Arlen Williams
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