Pentagon Celebrates Gay Pride During Treason Trial

Accuracy in Media The Defense Department hosted a Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Pride Month event on June 26, 2012, in the Pentagon Auditorium which featured a speech by Defense Department General Counsel Jeh Johnson and a panel discussion entitled, “The Value of Open Service and Diversity.” But the event failed to include any mention, pro or con, of the most celebrated homosexual soldier in American … [Read more...]

Citing National Security Concerns, The Pentagon Buys & Destroys 9,500 Books

Concerned that information published in a book by Lt. Colonel Anthony Schaffer contained classified information deemed a threat to national security, the Pentagon purchased the 9,500 books — only to destroy them. Titled "Operation Dark Heart," the book recounts Lt. Col. Schaffer's life in Afghanistan while working for the Defense Intelligence Agency. The publisher was contacted by the Pentagon in August when they … [Read more...]