What the Broad Crisis Behind the White House Fence Jumper Implies about ‘Federal’ Government

Chelsea Schilling at WorldNetDaily.com has written an excellent article revealing the background of Friday's White House fence jumper and his self-alleged motivation. Title: "Fence-jumper: Another victim of 'psych crisis' at Fort Hood?" How it begins: Only five months after a senior neuropsychologist in charge of Fort Hood’s outpatient psychiatry clinic revealed to WND a crisis in psychological testing and … [Read more...]

Obama Preps for a ‘Non-Emergency’ Named Iran

NoisyRoom Hat Tips: Judy W., Nancy Jacques, BB On Friday, the 16th, Obama signed a new Executive Order into being and this one's timing is very curious. Ed Morrissey (who I highly respect) of Hot Air says that it is simply a reissue of an EO that is 18 years old, that was issued in 1994 by Bill Clinton - EO (12919). I find myself mostly in agreement with Morrissey. The EO is vague and far-reaching. Basically … [Read more...]

Obama & FEMA, Controlling American Broadcasting China Style

If this were an actual test... NoisyRoom On November 9th, at 2 pm EST, the government will seize the airwaves in America for 3 1/2 minutes to officially test the Emergency Alert System. This is the first time ever that this has been done and the implications of such a test are alarming. From Paul Roberts at CSO: Remember when the emergency broadcast system sounded on your television on Sept. 11, 2001? One … [Read more...]