How Trump Hatred Is Designed to Save Iran

Accuracy in Media Under the Graham family, the previous owners of The Washington Post, it was always a liberal Democratic Party newspaper. Everyone knew that. Under Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, it has become a left-wing rag, running stories against the Trump administration that are so extreme as to be laughable. The paper’s descent is something to see, especially in regard to Iran’s aggressive and terroristic behavior … [Read more...]

The Real Russia-Gate Scandal

Accuracy in Media Josh Gerstein’s Politico story about the owners of a Russian bank suing BuzzFeed for publishing the “Trump Dossier” containing “unproven claims” doesn’t go far enough. These “unproven” and even disproven claims that have guided the FBI’s dead-end investigation of President Donald Trum, are one reason that former Director James Comey deserved to be fired. The real Russian disinformation has … [Read more...]

Special Counsel Mueller Will Get His Man

Accuracy in Media One of the big problems with the media is that journalists publish so many things that aren’t true, especially when they are writing about people in positions of power whom they want to pursue their liberal agendas. Consider this statement from a Politico article by Garrett M. Graff about the special counsel investigating Russia-gate: “Robert Mueller might just be America’s straightest … [Read more...]

Best Buds Mueller and Comey Target Trump

Accuracy in Media The Washington Post, a mouthpiece for Obama holdovers in the CIA and other agencies, reports that “sources” say a current White House official is under investigation as “a significant person of interest” in Russia-gate, but that the sources “would not further identify the official.” This is a case of anonymous officials talking about an anonymous official. Interestingly, the term … [Read more...]

Russiagate Cover-up Artist Robert Mueller

By: Cliff Kincaid | America's Survival Does Russiagate Special Counsel Robert Mueller, the former FBI director, have any credibility? Kenneth J. Dillon, a former Foreign Service officer and intelligence analyst, says, "My research on the 2001 anthrax mailings case suggests that former FBI Director Robert Mueller was responsible for the suicide of the alleged, but wrongly accused mailer, Bruce Ivins, as well as … [Read more...]

Ivanka Thinks Liberals Will Like Her Father

Accuracy in Media One of the side effects of the anti-Trump liberal media propaganda is that many conservatives automatically jump to the President’s defense, even as he continues on a suicidal course, such as a scheduled Thursday meeting with news anchors. This is like a bleeding man jumping into the water with sharks, enticing them to engage in a feeding frenzy. The only notion more naïve is that liberals … [Read more...]

America’s Elected Government Hangs in the Balance

Accuracy in Media Years ago I agreed to be interviewed for a film which was included in an exhibit for the national museum in Washington, D.C. known as the Newseum. It was on the use of anonymous sources. In the film, which is still playing, I cautioned about their use, saying that they can be inaccurate or even non-existent, and that they reduce trust in the news media. Today, the use of anonymous sources … [Read more...]

Why Do Conservatives Publish Fake News?

Accuracy in Media A recent National Review article asked, “How Do You Keep False Information Away from the President?” Unfortunately, another article on the same site by editor Rich Lowry, a Fox News commentator, began by quoting from The Washington Post, but added the qualifier, “if true.” It erroneously referred to Justice Department official Rod Rosenstein threatening to quit over the firing of FBI director … [Read more...]

Dismantling the Marxist Madrassas

Accuracy in Media Changing academia has been much more difficult than changing the media. However, there is hope: President Donald Trump has asked Liberty University President Jerry Falwell Jr. to head a White House task force on reforming the U.S. higher education system. While the appointment has been known about since January, the selection took on more significance in view of Falwell’s remarks when … [Read more...]

Washington Post Encourages Anti-Trump Protests

Accuracy in Media Not content with publishing a daily barrage of anti-Trump articles, The Washington Post is now encouraging demonstrations against the President. On Wednesday afternoon, the Post published a special story, “Amid questions about Russia-Trump ties, protesters rally in front of the White House,” about a few dozen people with anti-Trump signs. The real purpose of the article was to promote what … [Read more...]

The ‘Born Gay’ Money-Making Fraud

America's Survival Despite claims in the media that people are born gay, this is a myth perpetuated by left-wing organizations to make money. Another myth is that counseling away from same-sex attraction involves shock therapy. Yet six liberal states have outlawed life-changing therapy for homosexuals. Former homosexual and licensed therapist Chris Doyle, who is now married and the father of five, explains the … [Read more...]

Trump Causing News Media Hyperventilation over Comey

Accuracy in Media title: Trump Outsmarts the Media, Again Nobody does it better than President Donald Trump. That is, drive the media crazy. And The Washington Post has gone nuts in reacting to the firing of FBI Director James Comey. Remember that Comey botched the Hillary email and Trump/Russia investigations, using in the latter the discredited “Trump Dossier” of gossip that the anti-Trump intelligence … [Read more...]

‘Diversity and Inclusion’ Claim Another Victim

Accuracy in Media As noted by Peter LaBarbera of, LGBT activists were bitter and outraged that a conservative Christian with a public policy record of opposing the LGBTQ agenda was chosen to succeed a homosexual for the job of secretary of the Army. That is why a dishonest attack on Dr. Mark Green, a West Point grad and decorated U.S. Army flight surgeon, was launched by the Huffington Post, … [Read more...]

Trump Protester Harassed, Assaulted, and Arrested at Climate March

Accuracy in Media After chants of “Lock Her Up,” a peaceful pro-Trump protester was harassed, assaulted and then arrested at last Saturday’s Peoples Climate March in Washington, D.C. Police told me to back off as I recorded their rough treatment of Rita Solon, a local resident, who was simply holding a “Make America Great Again” banner and walking back and forth. Later, Solon says she was harshly treated in … [Read more...]

The Final Truth about the ‘Trump Dossier,’ Part Three

Accuracy in Media A Special Report from the Accuracy in Media Center for Investigative Journalism; Cliff Kincaid, Director The Role of the CIA’s John Brennan In its lengthy feature article on FBI Director James Comey, The New York Times disingenuously evades the new evidence from the British press that nails former President Barack Obama’s CIA Director John Brennan for using the “Trump dossier” as … [Read more...]

The Final Truth about the ‘Trump Dossier,’ Part Two

Accuracy in Media A Special Report from the Accuracy in Media Center for Investigative Journalism; Cliff Kincaid, Director Where are the Sex Tapes? CNN’s report on FBI Director James Comey’s promotion of the “Trump dossier” makes no mention of the dossier’s fake claim of a sex-tape (which wasn’t actually made or seen by anyone), which supposedly caught Trump in a “compromising” act in Moscow. The … [Read more...]

The Final Truth about the ‘Trump Dossier,’ Part One

Accuracy in Media Part One A Special Report from the Accuracy in Media Center for Investigative Journalism; Cliff Kincaid, Director FBI Director James Comey has been caught going around to secret Congressional briefings in “recent weeks” touting the lurid fake “Trump dossier.” He has been claiming that it is a major foundation of the FBI’s investigation of purported Russian collusion with Trump to … [Read more...]

Racism Claims A Cover For Fox News Purge?

Accuracy in Media Sexual harassment and now racial discrimination complaints are providing the excuses James Murdoch may need to purge the conservative news personalities who have made the Fox News Channel a success. James Murdoch is the liberal son of Fox News parent company owner Rupert Murdoch and one of the heirs to his father’s media empire. His wife was a major figure in the Clinton Climate Initiative … [Read more...]

Trump Supporter Arrested at Climate March

America's Survival A Trump supporter at the April 29, 2017, Climate March in Washington, D.C., was harassed, assaulted and arrested. This exclusive video shows the bizarre series of events as they unfolded and were recorded by journalist and media analyst Cliff Kincaid. Trump Supporter Hauled Off to Jail: … [Read more...]

The Left-Wing Takeover of Fox News

By: Cliff Kincaid | Accuracy in Media When Bill O’Reilly left Fox News he declared, “I am very confident the truth will come out and when it does I don’t know if you are going to be surprised, but I think you are going to be shaken as I am.” Some observers think he was referring not to the sexual harassment allegations against him, but to behind-the-scenes maneuvers by one of Rupert Murdoch’s sons, James, and … [Read more...]

Billionaire Funds Overthrow Of Capitalism

Accuracy in Media “System Change, Not Climate Change” is the demand being made by the Party for Socialism and Liberation in regard to Saturday’s Peoples Climate March. “Only socialism can solve the climate crisis,” they say. It appears that the organizers of the march agree, since the old Moscow-funded Communist Party is listed as one of the official “partners” of the group sponsoring the April 29th … [Read more...]

Why No Questions About Transgender Army Traitor?

Accuracy in Media The most glaring omission in Tucker Carlson’s interview of the human oddity known as Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner was the failure to seek comment on the transgender traitor by the name of Bradley/Chelsea Manning. This is the former U.S. Army analyst scheduled for release from prison next month because former President Barack Obama commuted his/her sentence for Russian-style espionage. Jenner, a … [Read more...]

‘Queer Communism’ Finds Its Voice

Accuracy in Media Since MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow is still preoccupied with the supposed influence of Russia on President Donald Trump and the American political process, we suggest that the publication of a new book called Communism for Kids by MIT Press is worthy of her attention. On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the 1917 Russian revolution, this book offers a glimpse into an uprising that was global in … [Read more...]

Liberal Christians Join Anti-Trump Resistance

Accuracy in Media As my colleague Roger Aronoff reports, the media are livid that President Donald Trump is dismantling former President Barack Obama’s “climate change” legacy of deindustrialization and federal government control of energy resources. Meanwhile, factions of the U.S. Catholic Church and some Protestants are brainwashing church members into accepting the non-Christian idea that religious faith … [Read more...]

British Role Confirmed in Trump Spying Scandal

Accuracy in Media A Special Report from the Accuracy in Media Center for Investigative Journalism; Cliff Kincaid, Director. The British Guardian posted a report on April 13 claiming that its sources now admit that the British spy agency GCHQ was digitally wiretapping Trump associates, going back to late 2015. This was presumably when the December 2015 Moscow meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin … [Read more...]

Fox Commentator in Bed with Kim Jong-Un

Accuracy in Media The Epoch Times newspaper is currently running an editorial series called “The Dead End of Communism” that includes a detailed discussion of the diabolical, even Satanic, roots of Karl Marx, the father of communism. Looking at his writings in detail, the authors document how his goal was “to enact a sort of vengeance against heaven.” Contrary to his “progressive” profile, Marx hated humanity … [Read more...]

Just Who Was the Russian Agent After All?

Accuracy in Media … [Read more...]

Obama’s ‘Complicated’ Lies About Syria

Accuracy in Media The mainstream media have not challenged the claim that chemical weapons were used by Syrian and/or Russian forces. Hence, they have been forced to explain how they were used when Obama officials previously claimed they had been removed from Syria. It’s another new low for a press corps that was eager to regurgitate whatever the Obama administration had claimed as a success in foreign … [Read more...]

Another Dan Rather Scandal

Accuracy in Media Ever since his forced resignation in disgrace, Dan Rather has continued on a downward spiral. His career, such as it is, has been kept alive by appearances on the Rachel Maddow show on MSNBC, where he takes potshots at his former employer and President Donald Trump. It is a sad spectacle. Rather has now suffered another major embarrassment. The former anchorman of the CBS Evening News has … [Read more...]

Is Neil Gorsuch a ‘Stealth Nominee?’

Accuracy in Media When the first President Bush nominated David Souter for a seat on the Supreme Court, the nominee was sold to conservatives as a fellow conservative but turned out to be a solid member of the court's liberal bloc. As such, Souter was labeled a "stealth nominee" to advance the liberal agenda. Could Judge Neil Gorsuch be another Souter? On the surface, such a question seems absurd. Gorsuch … [Read more...]