Accuracy in Media When the first President Bush nominated David Souter for a seat on the Supreme Court, the nominee was sold to conservatives as a fellow conservative but turned out to be a solid member of the court's liberal bloc. As such, Souter was labeled a "stealth nominee" to advance the liberal agenda. Could Judge Neil Gorsuch be another Souter? On the surface, such a question seems absurd. Gorsuch … [Read more...]
Forty Years of Murder in the Womb
Forty years of Roe/Doe and millions and millions of government condoned murders in the womb, bought in part by your money and mine, confiscated by the taxes of tyranny. In the Bible and ancient traditions, forty is the number signifying suffering unto death. People who were scourged were whipped thirty-nine times. Now, it is forty. Video, "Reclaiming the Human Center of the Abortion Debate," SBA … [Read more...]
New Evidence Shows Depth of Tiller Crimes
On Monday of this [immediately prior] week, the Kansas Board of Healing Arts launched an inquiry into the medical practice of one Dr. Ann Kristin (Kris) Neuhaus. If ever a civil procedure captured the essence of Hannah Arendt's memorable phrase "the banality of evil," it is surely this one. Still, in its own anodyne way, this hearing is showing those who care to look what a stone cold serial killer was Neuhaus' … [Read more...]
Pressure to Defund Planned Parenthood to Continue through Congress Quagmire
Where stands the attempt to free our taxation from the clutches of Planned Parenthood pork, now that the two week Continuing Resolution has passed? From Will House Leaders Cave on Defunding Planned Parenthood? On February 17 the U.S. House of Representatives passed an amendment sponsored by Rep. Mike Pence (R-Ind.) to prohibit federal funding of Planned Parenthood for the remainder of the … [Read more...]
Planned Parenthood Abandons Sham of Choice, Begins Forcing Clinics to Provide Abortions
When does a choice, become a mandate? When the choice is for life and it conflicts with the elite's demand for depopulation and profit. Reported in LifeNews from Texas: Planned Parenthood Chapter Quits, Forced by National to Do Abortions A Texas-based Planned Parenthood affiliate has resigned as a member of the national organization because Planned Parenthood Federation of America wanted it to do … [Read more...]
Chris Christie Ends New Jersey Taxpayer Funding of Planned Parenthood Abortions
In a corner of National Review Online Christie Veto Shuts Down Abortion Clinics in NJ September 23, 2010 1:18 A.M. By Daniel Foster … [Read more...]
Obamacare, Genocide, & the War on the Unborn
The “eco-terrorist” shot to death in Maryland hated humanity, especially unborn children. But this mentality should not be considered out of the mainstream. He was just more of an activist about it. After all, the “womb war” that Alveda King talked about at Glenn Beck’s rally has already cost the lives of more than 50 million children through abortion. The mission, said the terrorist in his manifesto, was to stop … [Read more...]
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