UPDATE ~ Video: ‘Twittergate – Democrats Hire Twitter-Thug’

The video without music is now shown below, with the same warning: certain portions of its content are evil and vile.

The progressives performed their usual trick of yanking on the collar of the copyright holder of the previous video’s background music (Sony Entertainment, in this case) which in turn, yanked on the collar of YouTube/Google, which in turn pulled the entire video, instead of disabling its audio track.  If one listens to pro-American political videos on YouTube for long (remember “Burning Down the House,” from TheMouthPeace, in 2008, about the true instigators of the Mortgage Meltdown?) one becomes familiar with that tune.

Music free version of video, 10/10, “Twittergate – Democrats Hire Twitter-Thug

Also, you may wish to see the video report from PJTV about this matter: “This Week in Tea: Twitter Wars!” from this weekend.

Gulag Bound will still furnish a new article on this, attempting to put it into perspective along with related information not previously assembled in one place.  Time: to be determined.

Original Daily Inspection Discovery, 10/8/2010, 2:39pm CT

Warning: certain portions of this video’s content are evil and vile.

Gulag Bound has been tracking this developing election season story and have had significant conversations with those involved on the patriot side, including the producer of the “Twittergate” video report.

We will be adding notes and wrapping a report of our own, around this video.  At present, that article is scheduled for this Sunday, or Monday morning.

In the mean time, you are invited to peruse and investigate, on your own.  If you believe you find something significant and not to be missed, please send an email to our tip address: SerfsUp@GulagBound.com — or tweet @GulagBound.

Video, 10/6, “Twittergate – Democrats Hire Twitter-Thug

Remember, our humbled dedication to Sovereignty and our activism are necessary, from now through November 2nd and well beyond, into a very challenging near term future.  Opposition from dark hearts  is assured.  And as for online threats, Twittergate might pale in comparison to what we will be facing before long.  But, this does show that evil is out there, ready, willing, and able to be effected.

Let us remember America’s heavy-duty warriors, those who have sacrificed and yet do sacrifice their last, full measure of devotion to get us this far, so we may pass the gift of Sovereignty and freedom along to our children and to train them to do the same.

More, to come.

PS: Please do pray for Glenn Beck – for a thorough diagnosis, an end to the mystery, and the healing that may come by our wounded Healer. — AW

Thumbnail image from Disney’s “Who Killed Cock Robin?” 1935


  1. The real “Violet Leduc” was a Jewish resistance fighter in WW2 against the Nazis; now the nazis have stolen her name!

    This is the most obscene and vicious thing I have see so far: it borders on what the Islamic republic of Iran does to its people.

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