Q: What is Fascism?
A: It is what Fascists do.
Listen to Kathleen Sebelius, Barack Obama and the Democrats’ Director of the Department of Health and Human Services give us a textbook example of Fascism, in seventeen seconds.
Presented at YouTube by “codefilms” with its caption:
Sebelius: We Are Bringing Western Civilization to its Knees with Obamacare
Published on Oct 8, 2013In a bizarre statement, US Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius said that, “As you know, we’re facing the end of the Western Civilization by having a market-based strategy. We are bringing Western Civilization to its knees by selling private insurance plans on a website where people can pick and choose.” At face value, this could imply any number of things including a bold-faced admission that Obamacare is the end of the Western Civilization health care system. View the rest of the bizarre and infuriating interview here: [at code-interactive.com, “The Most Infuriating 10 Minutes of Your Life”].
Fascism at its core is corporatism, that is, central administration of people’s private business and behavior (as well as, to an extent, belief) by government.
It is also called “the administrative state” by proponent, Pres. Woodrow Wilson’s mastermind, Edward House. It is also called ministerial socialism, state capitalism, the Third Way (by Bill Clinton, Sebelius, etc., and prior, by European fascists), crony capitalism (by Sarah Palin and the Tea Party), and always it is to be called traitorous corruption and despotism.
Fascism is labeled “far right,” by both deceitful and duped Marxists, but it is actually very similar to their methodology and can be called Marxism’s unnatural son, sired by the structurally advantaged (a far cry from the opposite end of the spectrum, of popular sovereignty under God and the true freedom of Natural Rights by Natural Law). The essence of Fascism is the same today as the essence of neo-Marxism. That is why I suggest calling it Marxofascism. All of the above is collectivism, as Benito Mussolini described in his manifesto.
It is the chosen tyranny of those fast at work constructing a self-described “new world order.”
It is the chosen means of the 1% of 1% of 1%, for controlling the entire world and everyone in it. (See Agenda 21 and Technocracy.)
Fascism is what we have fought wars, at the great, bloody cost of our forerunners’ sacred lives, against which to be free.
Sometimes, ancillary to Fascism is “eugenic” racism (e.g., Hitler’s and Islam’s antisemitism, Obama’s and Sebelius’ black semi-genocide through Planned Parenthood, etc.). George Orwell described Fascism’s need for victims upon which to unjustly and irrationally prey, in 1984. And The Bible describes it as the authentically hateful work of Satan, his demons, and their witting or unwitting human thralls.
And since this is hypertext, subject to search engines and this word has not yet worked its way into the article: Obamacare.
Hat tip for video: Dionysos Dio Nysos
“Third Way,” co-chairs:
“Third way fascist Europe” in Google:
Adolf Hitler: Progressive Pioneer
She was being sarcastic.
SiaSL, can you not tell what from her little quips was sarcastic and what was serious?
here comes the comment