Established in 2009, our sister website, KeyWiki, has grown into one of the most extensive databases detailing left wing groups and individuals within the US.
KeyWiki has received more than 24,000,000 page views so far. Thousands of our pages, including those for Congress members such as Danny K Davis, Barbara Lee, John Conyers and Jan Schakowsky are very highly ranked on Google. Many of our pages, such as those for Barack Obama, Democratic Socialists of America and George Soros, have been viewed well over 100,000 times. KeyWiki is full of unique information, painstakingly gathered from archives all over the United States.
KeyWiki is regularly accessed by researchers, including those from the Glenn Beck organization and David Horowitz’s excellent Discover The Networks website.
The US accounts for 86.92% of all visits to the site.
KeyWiki now needs your help!
After surviving for three years on a shoestring, KeyWiki is not only ready but needs to go to the next level. The aim is to quadruple KeyWiki’s content before the end of 2013. We believe that by doing this, we can help to positively impact the 2014 US elections and those further down the track.
How can you assist with this vital project? We are launching an appeal to raise US$250,000 by the end of 2013.
These funds will be used to:
- Employ skilled researchers and fund associated travel costs to complete specific research in untapped archives in Chicago, Washington DC, Madison, Wisconsin, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, New York, Detroit and other centers.
- Employ data entry operators to input the tens of thousands of pages of information already gathered.
- Professionally redesign the KeyWiki site to achieve maximum effectiveness, functionality and ease of use.
- Fund secure hosting and associated administration costs. KeyWiki is deliberately hosted in New Zealand to increase its integrity and security. This involves current ongoing costs that must be met each month.
- To assist with the training of additional voluntary KeyWiki contributors to the high standard of accuracy and referencing that is required.
America is dying. This is because most Americans have no concept of the enemy within. KeyWiki’s purpose is to help change that situation and expose the insidious, often well hidden links between individuals/groups whose ultimate goal is the destruction and downfall of your great republic. If America falls, so does freedom everywhere and the Western way of life as we know it.
Please help stop this looming disaster and contribute today.
Trevor Loudon
Editor: KeyWiki
Editor: trevorloudon.com
Author: Barack Obama and the Enemies Within
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